Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I felt like shit. I felt physically drained and cold when I got home and threw my bag down in a corner of my bedroom. What was going on with my body today? Last night, I went to visit Nina like I usually did when I couldn't sleep, but when I got up to her window, it was locked. That was a clear sign that she didn't want company.

Today at school, I'd been trying to avoid the girl as much as possible, but when she got hurt by that bitch who was supposed to be her best friend, I had to go to her. Everyone put their two cents in to defend her but me, and I hoped she didn't feel any way because I said nothing.

So, all in all, my day was terrible. The fact that Leah came to school with us and was nice too, made me want to throw up. What was she playing at?

I needed to sleep. I had no rest last night. "Damian!" I called. Maybe he could help me fall asleep. He barged in seconds later with a look of annoyance on his face. "Sleep with me," I said and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Look bro, we're close and all but I don't swing on the vines from the incest tree," he said, sauntering over to my bed and lay on his back with his hands behind his head.

I took up one of my pillows and hit him in the face with it. "I don't mean like that asshole," I said. "I can't sleep alone anymore," I muttered and he sat up and hugged me. I wanted to punch him in the face if this was his way of pitying me. Now and again, there were those nights where I couldn't sleep alone no matter how hard I tried. Those nights were, just recently, spent over a Nina's house.

"Okay, let's sleep," Damian said. "You want me to hold your hand?" he teased and I almost kicked him off the bed, but right now I needed him. "Lock the door?" he asked and I nodded. Knowing Leah, she'd probably just walk through the door without knocking.

I turned onto my side as soon as we were under the covers. I could feel Damian behind me shifting a little and when I looked back, he was lying just as I was so he was facing the same direction. "Spoon me and I kill you," I said and I heard him laugh.

"I won't," he swore and we drifted into silence after that. After a few minutes, I tried hard not to toss and turn like I wanted to. I could not even keep my eyes closed for two minutes. "You want me to..." Damian started.

"Yeah," I said and he placed his hand on my back, slowly moving it to my side then completely wrapping his arms around my waist. I hated being touched, but he could pass. This might seem weird considering the fact that we were brothers but we had slept in the same bed up to the age of sixteen, so this was normal. You'd be surprised to know how many things were deemed normal for us. I held my pillow tighter and soon fell asleep. So much for not spooning.


The bed shifting woke me up with a shiver and I turned to see Damian sitting up against the head board staring into space. "Hey, Daniel?"

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Do you ever think about going back to the Kingdom? I mean, they've been looking for us for a while now."

"No," I lied then thought better of it. "Yes." It had been on my mind almost every day since we left. "Do you want to go back?"

The 'Kingdom' was a tiny island off the coast of Bulgaria, home and haven to who knew how many supernatural beings. Being a home for species most humans didn't know exist, it wasn't found on maps, and was hidden from the human eye. Witches, vampires, werewolves, you name it they were there and ruled over by one powerful man. The place was nicknamed 'The Kingdom' because it seemed to be ruled by one guy whom none of us have seen, and we nickname him King. No one really knew what kind of supernatural creature he was but he was not one to be messed with; he, and his children whom, odd enough, no one had ever seen either.

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