Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"I don't want that, Zayne, be fair," Natalia's whine echoed through the living room area. "Why are you so mean to me?" She was back to being annoying. Sometimes I asked myself why I hung out with her, but I knew she wasn't always like that. She could be a great friend sometimes.

"I am mean to you?" he scoffed and scrolled through some more movies. "You are pissing me off, Natalia."

She sneered and then looked up to see me. "Nina, come. I need to talk to you while we let the boys pick the movie. Follow me upstairs will you?" We went upstairs with her overnight bag into the spare room that she was in the last time she spent the night. She refused to sleep in my room saying that if I was her type then she wouldn't have a problem, but she'd rather have her own room. That worked out great for me since she snored, and stayed up most of the night on her phone gossiping with God knows whom. Flopping down on the bed, she groaned. "That blonde guy down there is getting to me. He's so hot!"

Was she not just talking about someone she slept with last night a few hours ago? If only she knew. "I know he's hot." Austin was good-looking. I would never deny that. There were some girls who would fall in love with his accent first, and if it wasn't that, it would be the fact that he's adorably shy for a guy his age.

"No, he's not just hot. But it's like he has up some resistance to me. I swear he's gay if we don't end up having sex tonight. Don't worry, I'll promise not to be too loud." She groaned and I tried so hard not to laugh. "Ugh, wait here while I take a shower. Your aunt is taking way too long to cook a simple meal." I had to admit that her last comment ticked me off a bit. She got up and went to the connecting bathroom, slamming the door.

"I..." I trailed off. Didn't Daniel say he'd be here when I got back? "I'm going to my room. I have something to do," I shouted hoping she heard me. I ran to my room and opened the door to see Daniel sprawled on my bed. He had my camera in his hands and was doing god knows what with it. "Daniel?"

Daniel's blue eyes redirected to me as I closed the door and locked it. He got up and walked towards me, trapping me against the door with his long arms. "I could kill you for making me wait so long especially when you've been back for over an hour," he whispered into my ear. "You need to find a way to pay me back."

"I already promised you a kiss, remember?" I said a little too breathlessly. He made my heart race. I did not know if it was the result of his close proximity or that he made me nervous. No, both.

"I want to collect, but I think I'll wait a bit more. It's got to be worth it," he whispered and I might have been delusional but I swear his brushed his lips against mine. Then he stepped back. "So, what are we doing tonight?" he asked jumping on my bed and pulling me down with him.

"I have dinner with everyone which is going to take at least half an hour, and then we'll think of something, okay?" I said, turning towards him. His all black attire made him look out of place in my light room.

"I'll just go home," he said sitting up, picking up his jacket and putting it on.

"Don't go," I said quickly.

"Why not? You have people waiting on you."

"Just wait here for half an hour, and I promise that we'll find something to do." He looked at me as if battling with himself. I bit my lip and he sighed and looked down at his converse. "Unless you really don't want to."

"I'm not staying here. You asked me to be back here and I did. Only you have other things on your mind." He was back to being cold. It was hard to tell what he was thinking when he was like this. I hated this side of him but it just made knowing him that much more interesting.

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