Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

His ice blue eyes seemed to almost glow in the dark, his hair looking as if he had run his hands through it a dozen times. I wanted to run my hands through it a dozen times. I mentally slapped myself back to the present.

"Spit it out," he repeated and I did. "Come with me," he said and started through the crowd.

Completely forgetting Adam, I followed Daniel through the crowd until we reached the bar. I sat on a stool that was high enough for me to sit and swing my legs without my heels touching the floor. I looked over at Daniel who was sitting beside me, just staring.

"What were you thinking taking drugs from that guy?" he yelled. I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. He didn't acknowledge my presence all the way here, and now he wanted to act like the concerned friend. His mood swings were getting to me.

"Are you bipolar?" I asked him. I jumped slightly when he laughed out loud. He never laughed. It was nice hearing him laugh, and it made me laugh at how he much he was clearly amused by my question.

"You're drunk," he said and I was just about to nod but shook my head instead. I didn't feel drunk. I had felt a buzz after downing those shots earlier, but that quickly wore off when I was dancing with Adam, and now I felt like how I did when we first entered the club; riddled with excitement at the heavy bass of the music and flashing lights.

I jumped down from the stool. "Dance with me?" I asked him.

"I don't dance," he said quickly and turned to order a drink. "Y-You look nice," he said. He wasn't yelling over the music this time but somehow, I heard what he said and that caused me to blush lightly.

"Thanks." I saw him freeze for a second as if he wasn't expecting me to hear him.

Two hours of dancing and shots later, Daniel and Kaitlyn offered to accompany me outside for some fresh air. I was burning up inside and would combust if I stayed in the crowd any longer. A blast of cold night air hit me when I was finally outside and I found myself leaning against Daniel. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind.

The cold air helped to get rid of my new buzz and I was left confused. No matter how much I tried to get drunk, I found my thoughts clear and my speaking not slurred. After a few moments of fresh air, we went back inside.

Walking back to the bar, I bumped into someone making them spill their drink. "I'm so sorry," I tried to say over the music.

"It's no problem," came a loud voice. I looked up into the face of Adam. "Oh, hey."

"Hey." A feeling of guilt crept up my spine remembering how I had left him dancing alone, but he didn't seem to mind as we struck up a conversation and he bought me a drink.

"Do you want to go outside?" he asked. I nodded as I finished my White Lion Cocktail. We went and it took me a few minutes to realize that Adam had extra drinks in his hand, one green and one blue. "I want you to try these."

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you aren't already drunk and no, I'm not trying to get you drunk. They're my favorite drinks and I just thought you should try them. They're really good." He held out the blue one to me and I took it. "That's a Blue Cadillac Margarita."

Hesitantly, I took a sip of the cool blue drink with the lime wedge on the edge of the glass. I could taste the tequila and orange liqueur. I handed him back the glass and reached for the second one. "What's this one?" I asked as I stared at the green drink.

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