Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

The morning after, I woke up in a great mood. I woke up to Nova and a notification list filled with happy birthday wishes on social media. I had decided to stay offline on the big day to focus on my family, but now replied to the many birthday wishes. We had a big breakfast waiting for us when we finally got downstairs and a pile of wrapped presents in the living room. Tied to almost every surface were balloons. I didn't eat but I had a cup of tea, the only thing other than Diego's shakes, coffee, and water that didn't completely repulse me.

Everyone was there except for Kaitlyn and Laura, who I missed terribly, but the people around me kept me out of that funk. Misty, Diego, Cris, Damian, Daniel, Zayne, Austin, Leanne, Nate, Nova, Michael, and Jacob were all there.

At around midday, I started feeling sick. I blamed it on my poor eating habits for the past few weeks. I felt like I was going to pass out, like when you get up too fast and you're hit with a rush of vertigo, but in this case, it wasn't going away. Unfortunately, the smell of food made it worse, and I had to retire to my room for a while.

After half an hour or being alone and not being able to take a nap, Leanne walked in with a bottle filled with what I thought was another of Diego's shakes. She handed it to me, and I sat up to take it. "I think this will make you feel a little better," she said and I took a swig. "How do you feel?"

I nodded. "A little better. What is this?" I asked as I took another sip. It was about time I knew what kind of miracle drink Diego had been making me for.


I spat out the little I had in my mouth, sending sprays across my pink sheets. Indeed, the liquid was redder than the other shakes I'd had, but I had always assumed a mixture of berries, since they had been my favorite fruits. "Oh my god," I breathed and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, putting the bottle on the table next to me. With a groan, I ripped the sheet off the bed and replaced them with purple ones. "That was disgusting."

"Diego mixed it with herbs and fruits to hide the smell. This mixture only has a few herbs in it." Leanne rolled her eyes. "You know you liked it. I had to get used to Cris and Diego drinking the stuff, but I guess you're partially one of them, so you're going to like it."

I stared at the bottle. The thought of drinking blood was disgusting in and of itself, but I wouldn't deny that I had enjoyed it. I loved the taste of it. Going against my better judgement, I grabbed the bottle and downed half of it before Leanne could get another word out.

"Does this mean I'm a vampire?" I asked her softly, wiping the corners of my mouth. "If I drink blood, then that must mean I am one, right?" I could feel myself about to tear up. I wasn't sad or upset. I was frustrated. For a while now, unexplainable things had been happening to my body, and all I wanted to know was why and what I was.

Leanne got into the bed next to me. "I don't think there's any reason to hide this from you now. He's coming for you tonight," she muttered, but it sounded more like she was talking to herself. "You're special, Nina. Accept that," she said. She continued, but even if she didn't, I wouldn't have known what to say. "Your magic comes from the witch side of you, the need to drink blood comes from the vampire side, and your anger and violent side is purely werewolf."

I looked up at her to see if she was joking. I had wanted to know for a long time, but I wasn't expecting this answer. "Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"Gaia said the spell didn't go as planned this time around. She thought it best we didn't tell you much. We were scared that it would trigger your memories, and you would be flooded with everything at once. Tihomir said that it was best to not risk it, to let you figure things out for yourself."

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