Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

I woke up with a little extra warmth surrounding me than normal. Opening my eyes, I expected to be blinded by bright rays of sunlight but instead, I looked at my closed curtains. I had the fuzziest of dreams. I had a nightmare, woke up, Daniel was there, he calmed me down.

Steady breathing filled my ears and I looked for the source. There, lying next to me with his head buried in my neck and our arms and legs intertwined was Daniel. Wait... Does that mean... What happened last night?

My alarm went off making me jump. Daniel squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. "Turn it off," he complained, hiding his face in my neck. I instantly shivered upon contact and hoped he wouldn't realize.

Reaching over, I turned off the alarm and slid from underneath the covers, untangling myself from him. I could feel his bare skin under my hands and I panicked. As soon as I was out of the bed, Daniel sat up, rubbing his eyes. He was shirtless but I was fully clothed.

"What happened?" he asked. "Why did you move? Come back."

"What?" I asked with a smile. "Can't sleep without me?"

"Actually, no I can't," he said under his breath.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said, taking my uniform with me into the bathroom.

After my shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. I washed my hair today and it was back to its naturally curly state. I put on my uniform, dried my hair, and put on my makeup. Brushing my teeth, I went back into my bedroom to see Daniel sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. Please don't bring up last night, I silently begged. He got up as soon as he saw me and started looking for his clothes.

"I'm going home to take a shower and head to school," he said pulling his shirt on to cover his torso.

"Yeah umm... I'm going to go downstairs to have breakfast," I said, slipping on my converse and grabbing my Mickey Mouse pullover, my bag and my phone. I couldn't stop staring at him as he put his belt in even though his pants weren't buttoned yet.

I started towards the door when Daniel clearing his throat stopped me. I turned back to him. "I can't believe you didn't tell me that you were going to be gone halfway into school," he whispered against my cheek when he pulled me closer to him. I was too dazed to pull away fully, and he had moved an arm around my waist. His actions were getting bolder.

"I thought you knew," I whispered.

"No, I didn't. You were going to leave without telling me," he complained.

"Would it be that bad?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes, it would be," he said and flashes of the brief intimate action from last night invaded my memory. "I'm sorry if I came off a bit too forward last night."

"It was a mistake."

"Umm... sure," he said, stepping back pulling on his jacket. "Go get breakfast. I'll see you at school maybe."

"Later," I said anyways and left him in my room.

After saying good morning to everyone, I stated my dilemma. "I need someone to take me to school today," I said.

"Honey, that's what Diego is for, he's bringing you to school today," Leanne said. "I also invited him to stay the rest of the week. I think you guys need to get used to having each other around more." As if on cue, Diego walked in, brushing off his jacket.

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