Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

The next week was oddly peaceful. Leanne wanted to eat breakfast and lunch together all the time, but my appetite was completely gone. I didn't eat more than a bite at each meal. I didn't know what was up with her lately, but she was being a little more clingy than usual towards me. I didn't mind, but the sudden change was just that. Sudden. I thought that she was just being a parent. The kind that didn't want their child to grow up too fast, and seeing as my birthday was in a few days, I could understand.

We got our winter break from school, and a ton of homework to do. I thought the teachers would go easy on us, but I was wrong. I had several papers to write, including one about my dream winter break that my English teacher had assigned, because she just wanted to make sure we had something to do. She really didn't give a damn, but I wasn't going to complain. I already spoke English. There was nothing much I needed to learn that I didn't learn in the past three years of learning the language itself.

Daniel started coming over every night since the Leah incident. Almost every night at around ten, I would hear a shuffling outside my window, and Daniel would climb in a few seconds later. He would get into bed with me, and stay until the morning. He'd wait until I woke up, before he told me he had to leave to get ready for school, or whatever else he had planned for the day.

Leah's death was either forgotten about really quickly, or no one wanted to bring it up. I definitely didn't want to bring it up again. It was the second time I had seen a dead body, and I wasn't as shaken up about it as I thought I would be. She was laying with a hole in her chest, and her heart next to her. That would scar anyone. What baffled me also, was that Daniel had done it, and my feelings for him hadn't changed in the slightest.

I rolled over in my bed and looked at the time. Daniel was about to come over, but I was going to head out soon. Getting up, I changed into a loose sweater, leggings, and combat boots. I was going to train with Malaya again. She was quite upset that I had been blowing her off the past few days. Instead of texting me, she had called and demanded we have a training session tonight. Leanne wasn't too happy about it, so to find a way to leave her out of it, I decided not to let her know about my continuous training with Malaya.

We decided to meet earlier tonight, because she was bringing someone along this time. Maybe I could bring Daniel along with me too. He had been wary about what I was for a while, and I could show him what I could do. He could understand better, and most likely tell me what I was if he knew. Malaya said I was a witch, but I trusted Daniel's judgement more despite his recent violent behavior.

Honestly, I preferred for Malaya to think I was a witch. Because of the recent attacks against me and my friends, I didn't want to trust anyone outside my immediate circle. Kaitlyn's mother or not, I could not allow myself to fully trust her.

A hand being waved in front of my face brought me out of my thoughts. "Earth to Nina," Daniel said, bending down to come face to face with me while I sat on my bed. "Are you still there?" he had a grin on his face, and I couldn't help but grin back and throw my arms around his neck. "What's got you all dressed up?" he asked, hugging me back.

I hadn't been paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. I was too busy focusing on the warmth radiating from his body as he hugged me. I didn't want to let go, but I came to my senses and pulled away from our prolonged embrace. "I'm going to train with Malaya," I said and then came his confused look. I hadn't told him about her. For some reason, it had slipped my mind. "She's Kaitlyn's mom. She's been helping me with magic."

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