Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

We left the house and got into his car after that. I didn't see Leah during my swift departure, and for that I was relieved. She was stunning, but I wasn't going to argue with her over Daniel. Most of the drive to my house had been silent. Neither of us really knew what to say to each other, but I decided to break the silence by asking about Leah. He almost laughed.

"Leah is a... friend. Or the closest person I have to a friend aside from my brother," he had said. "She's not one to share. Not possessive, really, but she likes to have me and my brother to herself. We have nothing but a simple friendship." He had looked amused when I asked him if there was anything going on between him and Leah. "She might seem to dislike you at first, but she thinks something is going on between us."

"Isn't there something going on?" I had asked with a slight smirk to tease him. "I mean, you've come to see me almost every night, I've fallen asleep on your lap, you chased away my ex-boyfriend, and you were jealous the night you saw someone else in my bed." I looked at him. "I'm pretty sure there's something going on there."

"Then there is." He cracked a slight smile, and I could not help but notice. "So, that guy that was in your bed is your boyfriend then?"

"No, I was just teasing. He's a friend." I can't remember now how many times I had told him that. Now that we were having a normal conversation, I didn't feel that scared of him anymore. I had to keep reminding myself that he only came by my house to check on me, not hurt me. If he wanted to hurt me, he'd had enough chances to do so. We had been alone for the past couple of hours.

"A friend who you occasionally make out with in the school's parking lot," he noted and I blushed hard.

I cleared my throat, not wanting to talk about it. What would I say? I couldn't explain it myself, so I wouldn't be able to explain it to him. That was something I would have to take up with Zayne. "The thing she said earlier about something happening the last time you got close to someone, what did she mean?" I asked, desperate to move the attention off myself.

He had stiffened at that, and I knew I had touched on a sensitive topic, so when he answered, "It's not important", I didn't push.

When he dropped me off, he gave me one of his sweatshirts to put on because it was still raining lightly and I didn't have an umbrella. He hadn't driven off until I had closed the front door.

Leanne must've gone to work already. Today, she was working from around one to ten thirty, I think. Her shifts changed so much at the hospital, I doubted she kept up with it. I heard laughter and followed it to the den where the first thing I saw were three big suitcases. Zayne and another guy were playing the X-box.

The boy was about Zayne's age or older, had sandy blonde hair, and had a boyish grin plastered on his face as he complained about Zayne cheating in the game. Then, the unthinkable happened. The boy tackled Zayne to the couch and straddled him. Zayne put his hands on the boy's waist and pressed his face into his chest. The boy leaned down and started kissing Zayne on his neck, and all over his face, and I watched as Zayne grasped the boy's shirt. When he looked back up, the blonde kissed Zayne on the forehead. I gasped loudly, and they pulled apart looking like deer caught in headlights.

"What's going on?" I asked slowly.

"Nina, I didn't want you to find out like this," Zayne said, walking towards me.

"Find out what?" I asked, looking at him and the boy whose face was now a deep crimson. "Are you cheating on your girlfriend? Where is she?" I had figured Zayne was all nervous about bringing a girl home, but seeing the suitcases and the boy, maybe I was wrong.

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