Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

I looked over at my alarm clock. School started half an hour ago, but I had no desire to get up. What if those Rogues attacked again? For them to come after me somewhere as public as school showed they really didn't care.

I rolled over and sighed. I needed to organize my thoughts. What was I sure of so far? I knew Kaitlyn was a witch, the twins were vampires, and the people I knew to be my only parents were guardians. Well, my mother was. I had a sister, a brother, a father, and possibly, a boyfriend in another life if my dream was real. Rogues were after me, and I had strange abilities that I think I better learn to control.

Wasn't life great? I couldn't run away. Running away meant losing my friends whether they were witch or vampire. It meant having to give up on knowing about my biological family. It meant probably never seeing my sister again. I wasn't sure if I wanted that anymore. I was so confused.

Tihomir. He was my dad. The letters. Sitting up, I carefully opened the secret compartment in my nightstand and took out the letters. If I wasn't going to go to school, I might as well start reading.

I opened the letters one by one and read them. There was at least one sent every few months since I was seven years old. Ten years was a long time, so I had a lot of letters to read through. I found one from my eighth birthday that made me smile. He had written to me every year on my birthday, and let me know how much he tried to be a part of my life.

Dear Nikolina,

Happy eighth birthday, princess. Again, I'm sorry I can't be there, but I have to keep you safe. Your sister and brother miss you. David doesn't know what to do around the castle since you've been gone, but he understands that it's better for you to be away for now. We all miss you.

I hope you like the bike I got you for your birthday. I know how much you like bright colors, so I got one that has handle bars that light up. I also got you a locket with pictures of us inside it. Gaia spelled it for you so it would protect you. Always wear it, Nikolina. I hope you like the gifts.

Have a wonderful birthday my princess. I'll write to you soon.

Your father,


I smiled, remembering that bike. I loved it. Even when it was rusting and falling apart after a car ran over it, I refused to part with it. Looking down at my locket, I clasped it between my fingers and vowed not take it off.

I spent the next hour reading through the letters handwritten in perfect cursive. There were stories about my siblings that made me laugh, and some that brought me to tears. Some were very short, just him saying hello. Around my fourteenth birthday, he came to visit my parents and saw me chasing Cris around the house. He was happy that I was happy. In a few letters, he mentioned symptoms of an 'awakening' like my special abilities, and that if those signs were to ever start, I should tell my parents and siblings.

My door swung open, making me almost jump off my bed in fright. Leanne stood in the doorway with a puzzling look on her face, probably wondering why I wasn't in school. She looked baffled and started tripping over her words as if she didn't know what to ask or say first.

"I went through a lot last night," I said as my excuse. She sighed, nodded, and walked further into my room, closing the door behind her. I watched her take a seat on my bed, fold her legs underneath her, and tuck her ginger hear behind her ears, obviously stalling.

"Your sister came to visit me last night." Her voice was low, and with the way she was playing with her fingers, I knew she was shocked to see Nova. "I was worried sick about you and was about to call when she showed up. At first, I thought it was you. She was wearing your costume and everything. But when I noticed," she let out a breath. "Wow, I've actually never seen her in person, so I didn't know what to expect. Novalina is an exact replica of you."

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