Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"He's the guy that I'm supposed to help you get? He's hot." That was definitely Shelby's voice.

"Yes. You promised." Natalia said. "She's getting really close to the twins you like so much too."

"It's not going to be hard severing that friendship. Damian is already tripping over himself to get to me. We even went back to my place last week. Anything else?" Shelby asked.

"Yeah, Natalia. Anything else you want to tell Shelby about me?" I asked, coming out of hiding. By then, Leah had caught up to me but I didn't care. "You can go on."

"Nina?" Natalia asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's me. You know, your best friend."

"Oh, shut up, Nina," Shelby spat harshly. "I'm glad you found out. Natalia never thought of you as a best friend. She agreed to befriend you because she wanted me to help her with Zayne and he happens to be close to you so suck it up. No one in their right mind wants to be your friend. You and your entire family are fucked up. And what's up with your brother anyways? PTSD got his tongue? You're just a little rich girl who uses people as a social ladder. Get that in your head, Nina. Some pervy guys might like jerking off to your pictures, but you're nobody to us."

I would never lie and say that her words didn't hurt me, and I didn't really have a comeback. She spoke about my brother and PTSD like a joke. I didn't want to argue anyways, and I wasn't one to curse often. A small crowd had formed and everyone was looking at me with sympathy in their eyes, but I wasn't going to let them see me cry.

"Stop it Shelby. In case you haven't noticed, she doesn't need to use people as a social ladder. She ends up in the magazines and papers whether she wants to or not. You wanted payback and now she's hurt, are you happy now?" Natalia shouted at Shelby.

"No. No, I'm not happy." She stepped closer to me. She was so close that I could smell the minty gum on her breath. "You think you can just cut me out of your life and throw me away like yesterday's garbage? Well think again."

"I cut you out of my life because you were a terrible friend. You went from being someone I looked up to, to someone I wouldn't mind running over with a truck," I said stiffly.

"I hate you." She turned to Natalia. "She should suffer. I don't know how her parents put up with her for all those years. If I was her parent, I'd kill myself too," she said with a wide grin, obviously pleased with herself.

That. That is what drove the final knife through my chest all the way through. My parents. That was a low blow. They were attacked. They didn't die because of me.

"Shelby, that's enough!" a deep voice boomed from behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know it was one of the twins, and if one was there, so was his other half. She mentioned Damian's name earlier. Did he sleep with her?

"Damian, baby, she deserves it. She's a mistake and a whore. I should've been the one to dump her. She only held me back from being the positive and outstanding person I am today," Shelby said in a sugary sweet tone.

"Listen you little bitch. If you really want to know about mistakes, you should ask your parents and don't you dare call Nina a whore because the only positive thing about you must be your HIV status. I've been standing here for five minutes and I can already tell that you're so fake that Barbie's more real than you with your bleached blonde hair and makeup caked face," Leah said which surprised me so much that all I could do was stare at her. I thought she hated me as much as Shelby did if not more, so why was she standing up for me?

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