Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Damian yelled throwing his hands in the air. He'd been waiting since eighth period to yell at me and decided to barge into the room I was in at the most inappropriate time. Moxie was over and half naked in the room. She shrieked and jumped on the bed hiding under the covers when he threw open the door.

I didn't really want him to see her. She had bite marks in several places all over her body and he was bound to criticize and call me a hypocrite, not that I could care less. I am a hypocrite. I gave him crap about feeding off the students at Silverstone, and here I was doing the same thing and using her as my own personal toy, too.

I groaned and pulled Moxie to me, burying my face in her neck. "Tell you what?" I asked carelessly, my lips brushing against the girl's neck. She groaned softly. I noticed over the past few days that she was very easy to excite. And though I hadn't planned on doing anything other than touching her, I liked that.

"That you kissed her, dammit! I told you I was going to ask her out and you wouldn't even care to say 'well our lips hugged'!" he shrieked. Moxie gasped and tried to push me away but I compelled her to behave and kissed her cheek. If there is one thing about Damian that I despised it would be his fucked-up timing. Here I was lying in bed with one girl, and he comes barging in raging on about how I kissed another.

I looked at him and blinked. "You're losing me."

"Why didn't you tell me that you kissed Nina?" he asked a bit calmer.

"Is that what she told you?" I asked.

"Not in so many words."

I sighed in annoyance. "I didn't kiss her, and even if I did, I don't think it would be any of your business. You're the one that is taking her to club Venom, and you said it yourself that you don't have feelings for her so why does it matter?" I asked sitting up on the bed.

"We haven't spoken in a while and I wanted to hang out with her. You're coming too," he said sitting on the edge of my bed and completely ignoring my question.

"Oh no, I'm not going," I said. I flinched when Moxie moved her fingers over the mark decorating my skin. Noticing, she stopped her movements.

"Please realize that it wasn't a question. It's adorable that you think you have a choice," he said reaching up to squeeze my cheeks. I slapped his hand away and Moxie giggled. "So, if you guys didn't kiss, what happened?" he asked. Here we go again.

"We had a brief moment of awkwardness when I went over to her house. Nothing major happened, not that it's any of your business," I groaned in annoyance.

"I told you that I was going to ask her out, so that immediately made it my business. At least she had the decency to tell me."

"Why would you ask her out? She just came out of a messed up relationship with James, or whoever. Are you looking to be a rebound, brother?"

"Actually, I asked her out as a test. Sort of." My brother, ever the schemer. "You're different. Did you not think that I was going to find out about how close the two of you have been getting? For Pete's sake, I thought you were only fucking her."

I sat up and looked him dead in the eyes, our noses two inches from touching. "It isn't your business and I don't give a damn that you wanted to ask her out. She's not my problem. It was a mistake and one I won't repeat. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going out tonight." I got up and left the room with Moxie still laying on the bed, heading to my bedroom.

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