Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Nice bra," Daniel whispered when I leaned back against the leather cushions. I had refused Damian's dare to act like a pig until it was my turn again, so I had to remove one piece of clothing. I had already removed my shoes and socks and was now in my leather leggings and bra with a fully flushed face at Daniel's comment.

The rounds went on, and by now it was in the early hours of the morning. No one looked like they planned to go to bed anytime soon, especially since the game had been even more fun than I had thought it would've been. I certainly didn't want to go to bed, but the alcohol in my system was making it a little hard for me to stay awake for much longer.

It was soon Nova's turn again and she chose truth. Damian, whose turn it was to assign her a truth, said, "Say something truthfully nice about everyone here." She straightened up in his lap, wearing his shirt and her socks only before looking at us all.

"Hmm...," he eyes rested on me. "Nina, you are the world's best twin, even if you don't remember how much you've helped me and been there for me. You're amazing, charismatic, sweet, loyal, and strong. Never forget that."

I blushed at her words, feeling a little shy at the compliments, and relieved that I wasn't some raging bitch in a life I couldn't remember. "I won't," I said softly and she smiled.

"Damian," she sighed. "Wow, where do I start?" She threw her legs over the arm of the chair they were seated in and looked at him. You could see how much they felt for each other. "You're wonderful, and kind, and caring. You have a big heart, and I love that you can't help but help those around you."

"Thanks, babe," he said and kissed her cheek.

Nova turned slightly to look at Daniel, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You can skip over me," he said quickly. "I doubt you have anything good to say about me."

"Daniel," she said, downing what was left of the Grecian liquor. "You are... careful, but you care a lot. And even though you get on my nerves, one thing I love about you is that you love wholeheartedly. You're passionate and protective. I care about you not only because you may very well be my brother in law," she paused and I knew her words had a double meaning. She had been hinting at something between Daniel and I for a while now, and I knew it had something to do with the life I didn't remember. "But because you make my sister happy," she continued. "And I want to thank you for that. For making her smile."

I could practically feel Daniel's eyes on me, but I willed myself not to look into his honest blue eyes. I didn't know how I felt about Nova speaking about him like we had something going on. Sure, we kissed twice, slept in the same bed a few times, and I drunkenly wanted to make out with him earlier, but that didn't make us a couple. We just sucked at being friends. And I had a boyfriend anyways.


"Shit!" I said aloud and reached for my phone, tucking a few curly tendrils of hair behind my ear as I quickly dialed Joshua's number. I was supposed to call him and totally forgot. Ignoring the numerous missed call notifications I presumed were from him, I pressed the green button and excused myself from the room to go pace in the kitchen as I waited for him to pick up.

I didn't have to wait long before a husky "Hello" sounded on the line. I then proceeded to apologize repeatedly, trying to keep my voice low in the silent house. "Nina, don't worry about it. I was just worried about you. You didn't answer any of my calls. I must have left an embarrassing amount of calls and voice messages."

I sighed in relief that he wasn't upset. If it was Jack, he would have been pissed. But this is Joshua. Cool, calm, collected Joshua. "I get it. You always worry about me. I was just having some fun, and I guess the time got away from me."

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