Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Hours went by as we stayed up and talked. We were so into our conversation that we couldn't pin point when the music from downstairs had stopped. Damian told me stories of how much he used to get in trouble when he was younger, and how curious he was. With every story, he got a faraway look in his eyes like, in his head, he was right back to that moment.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, we had moved our conversation downstairs where we attempted to watch a movie, but we talked so much, the movie finished without me remembering what it was actually about. During that time, I had finished my food and had my shake.

It was nice hearing about how he grew up, and the many things he did and experienced. Mostly, I just lay there and listened to him talk on and on, and even when he stopped and thought he was boring me, I told him I didn't mind.

When I started to feel drowsy, Damian gave me a t-shirt and sweatpants of his to wear to bed. After I started drifting off into a state of unconsciousness, I felt what I thought to be lips on my forehead before the door opening and closing. I was too tired to protest, and even if I was awake, I didn't think I would.

Damian was a polar opposite to his brother. Daniel was cold and angry. Damian was warm and kind. I thought twins were supposed to be alike in most ways. Whichever ways they were; I didn't see it.

I woke up the next morning feeling better than I have the past few days. My headache was gone, and I felt refreshed. Sitting up in the bed, I threw my legs over the side before turning my phone on. I crossed my legs on the bed waiting for the familiar background of the moon cycle to load. I wasn't one to have a picture of myself as my background. My pictures were reserved for magazines and social networks.

Unlocking my phone with my very long password that Natalia had always teased me about, I scrolled through the phone notifications. There were a little over thirty emails, social network, and game notifications and last but not least, over twenty missed calls and texts from Leanne and Diego each. There was a text from Cris, which I opened first.

Having fun. Hope you're not worrying. Pick me up at 8:00 for school. –Cristóbal 10:32pm

I smiled and checked the time. I had an hour. I wasn't going to school today. Today was the last cheerleading practice until next week Friday. Around midday, the cheerleaders were to meet in the park for the last practice. Coach was going to be out half of next week and, knowing her and her habit of only showing up when things concerned her, she would probably disappear until the pep rally, where she would criticize our performance from the bleachers, then yell it to us as soon as we left the gym.

Pressing the button to lock my phone, I did not bother to read the messages from Diego and Leanne. There was no need to. I could already think of the repeating phrases, and the 'come home' messages. It was not like I ran away. I would go back home eventually. Today, even. I had to take a shower and change and then leave again.

That's when I remembered the invitation from Damian to go out with everyone tonight. I sighed in frustration. Maybe a night out would be good for me. It would help get my mind off the current chaos in my home life. I needed to forget about yesterday and its craziness. I felt like I was going mad and thinking too much.

I checked the time and saw that I had forty-five minutes before I had to leave. It would only take about fifteen minutes to get to where he was. I would go out and get breakfast afterwards at the diner that I was last night or somewhere closer in town.

Glancing down at my still lit phone screen, I read the small words above the numbers that said 'type in your unlock code'. Natalia always teased me about my codes and passwords. I always had very long passwords. The longer, the better, and I never forgot them. I sighed. How could she do that to me? I thought we were friends.

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