Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I was laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling with my hands folded behind my head. I made a mistake. I let too many things slip. I told her that Damian stabbed me, but I couldn't stop myself from saying those things. Every time I looked into her mismatched eyes, I felt obliged to tell her everything. Maybe I should avoid her for a while. It was creepy how it felt like she could see through me.

The fact that she hadn't freaked out yet by all the absurd comments and things she'd seen must be a good thing. Could she already know about what I was? No, that couldn't be possible. She wouldn't have been so startled when she saw me impaled. But what if she was just that good an actress? Ugh!

I rolled over onto my side and stuck my hands under my pillows. I hadn't slept in my bed in a while. It seemed colder than before. I stared at the white walls of my dayroom and sighed. It was surprising that I could sleep with her. Usually it was just me and Damian but she's just there and... I felt like screaming. I remembered almost kissing her two nights ago but changing my mind at the last minute and resting my head on her shoulder instead. Her eyes...

She just had this aura that drew people in. Drew me in. That was the only reason why I hadn't compelled myself from her memories yet. If I chose to force her to forget about me, would I really be able to do it? She was a friend, and I hadn't really had any friends since... him. I felt so stupid every time I thought about him.

A knock came at my door, pulling me out of my thoughts. It wasn't Damian because he didn't knock. Oh no. "Danny?" Leah said, opening the door. She was dressed in short shorts and a t-shirt. I had a feeling she didn't really like clothes much, because she either wore little or none. Taking into consideration how she used to have to dress – in the 1960s – I guess she liked taking advantage of the chance to wear whatever she wanted now. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said. I just really wanted to be alone right now with my thoughts.

She climbed onto the bed and wrapped her arm around me making me flinch and move away. I seriously didn't like people touching me. Especially Leah. Yeah, Damian would hug me or tackle me, but he was my brother. I doubted he'd give me space even if I asked for it. Nina and I slept in the same bed sometimes, and I didn't mind holding her hand, so it was fine. She was the special case. But Leah just did it to get to me.

I shifted a bit so her hand would fall from around me. "What's up with you?" she asked, sounding irritated. I hadn't been paying her much attention since I started going to Silverstone Tech, and that made her mad. She loved the attention.

"Nothing," I mumbled with my back still to her. She held my hand and pulled me back so I was lying on my back again. "What?" I groaned.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asked.

"No," I said truthfully. Nina had forgotten about it and so had I.

"You need to cheer up. You've been locked in here since you came home," she complained.

"I wanted to be alone," I stated.

"I could make you feel better," she said not getting my hint, her tone haughty and flirtatious. I knew that tone. Most likely she wanted to do something dirty, but I was not in the mood. I doubted I could even get it up for her. Not that I would do anything with her after she manipulated with both me and my brother. That was before I forgave her and I became somewhat tolerant of her, but it still bothered me that my brother and I slept with the same girl maybe within hours of each other.

"How could you possibly make me feel better?" I said.

"By doing this," she said and climbed on top of me, straddling me. She pushed up my shirt and started kissing my torso trailing up to my chest. She had got to be kidding me. At any other time, decades ago, this would've been the least bit exciting but not now. My mind was stuck on the girl with the mismatched eyes that have started to haunt me.

Leah moved up more so her face was right over mine and leaned down. My heart started beating really fast and something in my head was screaming for me to get out of this position. I wouldn't kiss her. She was just barely managing not to get on my last nerve as we speak. When her lips were about two inches away from mine, I pushed out my hands with so much force that when they connected with her chest, she flew backwards across the room and landed with a crack against the wall.

I sprung up from the bed at what I had done. Sure, I didn't want to kiss her but I had never hurt her like that intentionally. I knelt down to her level reaching out to touch her shoulder, but she swatted my hand away.

"If you didn't want me to do anything, you could've just said so!" she yelled and pushed me back so I hit the bed.

"I didn't mean to do it that hard," I tried to explain but she put her hand up as if to silence me. At that time, Damian walked in with a worried expression.

"What happened?" Damian asked.

"Danny here almost threw me through the freaking wall!" she yelled and stood up, walking towards Damian. On instinct, he pulled her to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulders in a half embrace.

"It's fine," Damian said and gently pushed Leah out the door and closed it. "Want to tell me why you chose to throw her against the wall?" he asked with his arms crossed over his chest. Arms crossed just meant 'I'm going into big, older, mature brother mode'.

"Maybe because I'm still mad at her," I said.

"Oh," he said. I couldn't tell what he meant by the way he said it. I knew it would hurt him since it was not fun to hear that your ex-girlfriend was making a move on your twin brother. It was either a sad 'oh' or he was saying it in a way where he understood.

I didn't kiss just anyone. Damian knew this. Call me picky if you will but I didn't just go around adding my kisses to the package when I decided to bed someone. They'd have to work for it.

"I'm not mad but do me a favor and don't do anything with her," he said quietly. He shoved one hand in his pocket and used the other to scratch the back of his head. He always did that when he was having an internal battle with himself, or whatever he said or wanted to say pained him. He still liked Leah but she didn't like him in that way anymore. I felt it for the guy.

"I won't," I reassured him. "I promise." Even though I had left out that she tried to make a move on me, I think he knew. Otherwise, he would have been angrier at me.

After that, he muttered a 'thanks' and left the room. I stared at the wall where I had practically thrown Leah. It wasn't chipped or anything because the bricks were lined with Titanium. It was a little something added a few years ago when the house was remodeled. The feeling I had before I shoved her made a shiver run down my spine. I lay back on the bed once again and closed my eyes.

I could usually rein in my anger these days. Why did I get so panicked when she was about to kiss me? Honestly, her kisses over my skin had repulsed me. Yes, she was annoying, but I'd never felt so freaked out by something as simple as a kiss.

Why hadn't I felt that way when I almost kissed Nina? I shook my head. This was all a mental thing. I had been thinking about Nina too much and now, she was the only one I felt comfortable getting close to.

This was ridiculous.

She was one fucking girl!

I had slept with hundreds of girls and women before. Did the temptation of her lips cause me to lose interest in any other? What about Moxie? Would I feel that way if I kissed her again?

I kicked out my feet and pulled the comforter up over my head. This was beyond ridiculous.

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