Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"I am so sorry I'm late," I rushed out, running into the living room still dressed in my pajamas from my morning with the Catalano twins and Kaitlyn. "I overslept, and had to take my friend home before I came home-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when Louis' finger touched my lips and gave me a small smile.

I had woken up at almost midday. After a morning of making and failing at waffles with Kaitlyn and the twins, and laughing at Kaitlyn's mind-blowing hangover, we had all thrown random food together for breakfast, and then sat down to eat. Damian almost started a food fight with his brother, when a grape meant to be flicked in my direction landed on Damian's nose. Somehow, I managed to avoid getting hit with whipped cream, fruits, sugar, and the few edible waffles that we managed to make.

By the time I had bothered to look at the clock, I only had time to shove my feet into a pair of sandals before running out of the Catalano's house with Kaitlyn, who had been giving me odd looks and smirks all morning, on my heels. I didn't think it was so late, and I had totally forgotten about the soirée this evening. After driving Kaitlyn home and asking her to call me later, I broke a few traffic laws to get home.

"We have less than two hours to get you dressed and at the Woodsen's penthouse before you are later than fashionably late, yes?"

I nodded and stepped back to let Louis do his usual once over of me. Every time he was supposed to help me get ready to go somewhere, he always looked me up and down before finding the perfect outfit for the occasion.

"Let us go up the stairs. You need to have a shower and let me see what my friend here can do with your hair and makeup, yes? Yes."

For the first time, I noticed Leanne, Zayne, Austin, and a very lanky young man standing in the living room. They were all dressed for the occasion, the unknown, lanky man struggling to hold a silver case the size of a small suitcase, two shoe boxes, and a garment bag.

I guiltily waved at them as I admired their attire. Zayne sported an all shades of grey outfit with a dark vest, which was the opposite of Austin's who wore a darker outfit with a light-colored vest. The couple's hands were joined, and Austin was too busy playing with Zayne's fingers to notice anyone around him. Leanne, a scowl on her pretty features, was glaring at me with her arms crossed over her chest and teeth clenched together, wearing a dress with black lace at the top and a white skirt. The dress looked oddly familiar. I was almost sure I had a similar one with the colors reversed.

"Nina, let us go." I led Louis up the stairs and to my bedroom, dropping my bag on the floor as I flopped down face first on the bed. "Sweetheart what do you think you are doing? You need to go to the bathroom now, now, now. We shall get things ready in here."

Sighing, I grabbed a towel and went to take a quick shower, taking the time to wash my hair too. The first things I noticed when I stepped out of the bathroom were the beautiful dresses laying on my bed. The first was a pale pink sleeveless that buttoned all the way up to the neck, and had a bedazzled collar. It had a black belt about two inches wide, with a bow that sat front and center. The bottom half of the dress I knew would flair and reach just above, my knees.

The other dress, a white sleeveless one with a black and red pattern, was shorter and a little more casual than the required formal attire. It was also a little out of my comfort zone. I was all for showing luscious legs, but not in such a dress, and not to a formal gathering, so of course, I went with the first dress.

"Good, because I hate this black and red decorated merde," Louis muttered. I shook my head and smiled at him, watching as he uncovered the two shoe boxes that his assistant, who he had yet to introduce me to, had struggled to balance up the stairs. They lay on the carpet in front of my bed.

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