Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven

We made our way through the nature trail at the far side of the park, and walked until we reached a massive clearing by a lake. It was usually deserted when couples weren't having picnics there. Only tonight it wasn't deserted at all. There were people everywhere drinking out of red and blue plastic cups, dancing to the music, laughing, and talking. Colorful paper lanterns and other lights had been hung up on tree limbs too.

"I'm gonna get a drink. You guys want some?" Kaitlyn asked. I nodded absentmindedly as I looked around. I didn't know so many people skipped homecoming to be here. I couldn't help but wonder if Nova was still going to make a show.

"You okay by yourself?" Laura asked. "I wanted to go find Rebecca."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go find your girlfriend," I said with a smile. I watched her walk off and was about to go find Kaitlyn when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and looked up into the face of someone who looked very familiar. "Uhmm... hi," I said awkwardly, pulling down my face mask and hood.

"Hey. I'm sorry, you just looked so familiar. Your eyes," he said. He had dark curly hair and, from the paper lantern hanging right above us, I noticed his bright hazel eyes. He was wearing an Arrow costume, and looked pretty damn good in it too. He also had a British accent.

"I was just thinking the same thing. I'm Nina," I said. "If that helps any."

"No, it doesn't but I'm Nathan," he said. "Does that ring a bell?"

"No, actually." I tucked my wavy hair behind my ears.

"What's a girl like you doing standing alone at such a party?" he asked.

"A girl like me?"

"You know, the kind that carries an obvious air of cheerleader superiority," he said with a charming smile, taking a sip out of the blue cup in his hand.

"Okay, you obviously don't go to Silverstone Academy if you think I'm popular," I said, laughing lightly. "I am actually waiting on a friend to comeback with drinks." My pocket buzzed and I took out my hone to see a message from an unknown number.

Sorry I can't make it, sis. Something came up. I'll make it up 2 u --Nova

"And now my sister can't make it," I said, putting my phone back into the pocket of my tunic.

"Oh," he said, his lips forming a perfect 'O'. "I should probably go before he comes back then."

"My friend is a she, and she's like five feet tall so I doubt she'll be able to do much damage to you if she gets jealous," I said in jest. He laughed lightly. "You're not from Silverstone, so how did you know about the party?" I asked.

"I came with someone actually, but he ditched me in the first ten minutes saying he was going to find his girlfriend, so here I am surrounded by people I do not know, in a place I never knew existed until half an hour ago, at a party I wasn't even supposed to be at tonight," I said with a shrug.

"Well, now you know me, so you're not completely alone," I said.

"True that," he said.

"Nina, sorry I took so long. I saw my boyfriend and we started talking, and I forgot to take your drink and woah," Kaitlyn stopped to look up at Nathan. "Hi."

"Kaitlyn, this is Nathan." I took my drink from her and said, "Go hang with your boyfriend." I looked at Nathan. "I have company."

When she left, Nathan and I spent at least an hour talking and laughing, downing one drink after another. I had one alcoholic drink and switched to soda afterwards. I only wanted enough to loosen up a bit. We walked around the party and played beer pong on a plastic table some guys had set up. Afterwards, I couldn't even make it past the fourth round of truth or dare. I had even gotten a dare to kiss Nathan which I did on the cheek. Laughing and enjoying ourselves, we decided to take a walk away from the crowded clearing where some guys were so drunk, they had started swimming in the lake either fully clothed or butt naked.

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