7.shades of snakes

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Y/n pov

I woke up to Camilas phone going off it was 11am and she was knocked out. I groaned and reached over to answer. I didn't look at the ID figuring it was one of the girls since Mani and Dinah left back to her tour together last night. I was sorely mistaken when I heard her voice.
"Hey Mila it's Taylor! I was wondering If you were free today?"
It was too early for this shit. She really called Mila? For why.
"No she's not. Shes sleep right now."
There was a bit of silence before she spoke again and her sweet tone was gone.
"Y/n. I didn't think I'd be talking to you so soon. I figured it'd take a week, Since you don't get super involved in your fuck buddies lives."
I sat up clenching my jaw some.
"1 shes not a fuck buddy, she's my girlfriend. And 2 I'm still close to all the girls. You were the exception. YOU were a fuck buddy. More like a mistake actually."
". Ouch y/n.I'll just ignore that outburst. Can I speak with Mila please."
It wasn't really a suggestion or question. The nerve of this girl.
"Why? What do you want from her? You always want something."
"Nothing but friendship. She's a fan, as im sure you know. So am I. I want to get to know her. That's it. No more no less."
She really was a fan. Taylor's music helped her through different times and also inspired her to start writing. I liked some of her earlier music but when she started singing about everything, and body in her life I was over it. Especially after we met.
"She's sleep and I'm not waking her. You can call back later. I'll let her know you called."
I hung up the phone trying to figure out how she got my girls number.
"Teddy." CamilA whined feeling around for me. I smiled pushing everything else out of my mind, and laying back down. I pulled her close to me moving hair out of her face. She sighed and her breathing evened back out. I played in her hair thinking about everything. My past, present, and future all of it.
Camila was upset I didnt wake her up to meet up with Taylor. They talked and she told me she would be hanging out with her. I figured I had to let her do things on her own, and maybe Taylor meant what she told me. I wanted to believe her for Camilas sake, but I should've known better. With Taylors M.O. she was gonna use Mila for something but i couldnt figure it out. After they talked I got a call from Tinashe who apologized and said she wanted to meet up. I was bored so i decided to go.
Camilas pov
Ten months later

Id been hanging with Taylor non-stop and it was amazing. Y/n was always unhappy when I would kinda ditch him. We had our first fight two days ago when Dinah and Mani came home from tour and I didn't show up because I had lost track of time while with Taylors squad. He still hasn't spoken to me, and I could care less. Its not like i cheated I just spaced out. Dinah said it was ok, so why does he care so much. I was lost in my thoughts when Taylor poked my arm.
"You ok?"
We were currently out to lunch with Selena and Cara.
" uh it's just y/n hasn't really been talking to me." I looked down playing with my fingers.
"What happened?" Selena just looked at me concerned.
"We had a fight over me spending time with you guys instead of him."
"So he's jealous?!" Taylor scoffed and shook her head looking at me.
"He's just mad he doesn't have your full attention anymore. Trust me you arent the first one he's done it to. I told you to cut him lose before he hurts you."
Yes I knew about her and y/n dating. Shes been telling me to leave him for awhile now. That once he doesn't have your attention he'll get it from somewhere else. That it started with fights, then silence, then he woud cheat and treat her like a stranger. She says he's gonna start blaming her for everything that's wrong with us. I didn't believe her till the fight......now the silence.....i was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"He's changed Taylor."
"No he hasnt and I'll prove it to you."
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"Zayn and I are having a party tonight for i dont wanna live forever and I hear he's been hanging out with one of his other exs. I bet he didnt tell you."
She took a sip of her drink and I looked away. He hadn't but even so I'm sure there was a reason for it right?
Selena switched the topic seeing my reaction. We finished and I headed home. Dinah had moved out after her tour saying she wanted to come home to her girl and be normal. I could relate so it was just me and Teddy now. When I pulled up it looked like he had just got back from a run and was bent over breathing hard. He stood seeing me and God he's perfect. I would love to lick the sweat off his abs but he wont ever let me have fun. He took his shirt off wiping his face with it pouring water over his head. He needs to stop I'm supposed to be upset with him. I parked and got out. He just looked at me so i brushed past him and into the house closing the door before he could enter. If he didn't want to talk I wasn't going to beg him. No matter how much i wanted to be close to him again.
Y/n pov

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