26. Trust

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Jennifers pov

       It surprisingly only took me about an hour to get them tied up. With help of coarse, but still time was working perfectly. When i showed up to his house they were all still here. The more the merry i guess.
    I walked right in being met with 6 pair of wide eyes.
      "Hes not here jennifer. Hes with his girlfriend."
           I couldnt help but laugh. The simplest thing i couldve done is what tore them apart in the end. Interesting. Poor mila just glared at me confused.
    "Wow it really didnt take much did it? For all of you to abandon them."
      I walked over and sat down on a stool pulling out my phone, going through some of the pictures i just took of them.
     "What do you want Jennifer?"
      "You must be Dinah? He would always talk about how dissapointed in him you were. Or should i say are?"
     I sighed before putting my phone back down, and looking at them.
     "I used to always wonder how someone like him could be such damaged goods you know. I guess even you people couldnt actually love him could you? Or trust him for that matter. Camila i anticipated because he left you before. It would seem only human that there were still wounds there, but the rest of you?! His "fans" came to "save" him, while the rest of you just stayed content with your lives. Not one of you came for him. If he would have never come back do you think any of you would be looking for him now?"
     They didnt say anything, and they seem to tense up a bit as Milas breathing got heavy.
      "Hmmm. Well you all should know if you know him that he can be pretty......aggressive when hes upset. And from your faces i can see his proposal plans were put on hold? Well Lucy i know you didnt mean to get dragged into this, but i had to take Lauren to. She shouldnt have kissed our Teddy."
     "What are you talking about? Where are they?"
         "Do you realy care.......Normani? Anyway i had to really tire myself out to get y/n to stay calm. I thought i mightve killed him actually, but nope hes unconscience. Dont worry. I have pictures if you want to see?!"
       I flipped my, well his phone around and tossed it to them.  They gasped looking up at me.
    "I hope you all can find them before i can convince him to come home for good. The best part though is that either way he wont be coming back here."
      I got up headed out the door beforre they could react, and was gone. 
     Well this is gonna great.
Y/ns pov

   I came to in what looked like a basement. I was laying on my back with Lauren sitting against the wall with our hands cuffed together.
   "You ok Laur?"
    I shook my head trying to clear it as i sat up moving closer towards her.
   "As ok as i can be."
    "Where the hel-
     "I see you two are up now."
     Jennifer came into the room with a smile on her face. I stood up basically pulling Lauren with me, but was stopped in my tracks as Sid came out of nowhere knocking me down.
    "I told you we werent finished."
      "Dont kill him, but please make sure he doesnt get any bright ideas."
    Before i could stand up he started to pummel me with kicks and punches. All i heard was Lauren screaming for him to stop. It went black yet again.
      This time i woke up to camera flashes. My arms were strung up above me attached to the ceiling. I was off of the ground swaying some. I looked around and found Lauren sitting in front of me tied down on a chair. I tried to say something but my thoat was dry and it hurt.
      "No keep trying y/n. We have to make sure your family knows youre safe. Go ahead tell them how mad you are."
    I didnt say anything i just called her closer. As soon as she was in close enough i head butted her.
    "F-f-ffuck you."
      It came out a little more than a whisper but i know she heard me. Sid came feom behind me, and hit me in the ribs.
       "Well i guess thats what ill have to show them huh?"
    She got up and left as ge followed after her. I looked back towards Lauren who was now staring with wide eyes, but her mouth was ducktaped.
      "I--iits gonna....be ok. I-i promise"
      My body was hurting all over, and i couldnt take it. It was all i could do not to scream out, but as i began to pass out, the straps loosened and i fell to the ground. I heard a slight scuffle and then i felt Laurens arms wrap around me.
   "Behave now, or we're gonna do all this again."
     I hate my fucking life. I really do. 
Dinahs pov

       And thats where the video stopped. Mila and Lucy hadnt said a word, while Mani was completely freaking out. Aly was trying her best to keep the peace but Nick could see her cracking. I was trying to think. My kid is somewhere getting tortured, thats not somerhing you ever what to see, let alone hear about. Why we werent more proactive ans on the offensive with this girl i dont know, but here we are.
    "Babe? What do we do?"
      "We call in the calvery Mani......."
    "Dinah we cant get them involved in this!"
     "Theyre already involved! If y/n trusted them enough in spain then i will to. His father has some friends out here that can help us as well. Theres no way shes doing this on her own, and i doubt Taylor had part in this. Not this time."
      I looked over and Mila was a complete wreck, but she stood grabbing her phone calling someone.
     "Im calling his fans from spain. Theyve been here for the past week they were gonna visit him, before going on to texas. He was gonna give them the grand tour."
       Her hands were shaking so mani took the phone and handed it to Aly. Lucy was spaced out still sitting on the couch. I walked over putting my hand on her shoulder snapping her out of it.
    "Come on. You and Nick are coming with me."
     "Are we gonna get her back Dinah?"
       "Yep both of them, and if i get my hands on that girl again she wont be a problem anymore."

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