17.pieces in plAy

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Y/n's pov

"Why are you going to Taylor's?"
I walked into our closet grabbing some underwear. I pull on some shorts as I hear her sigh. She walks in hugging me from behind.
"Y/n I just need some questions answered, that's all."
I turn around looking at her for a moment.
"What kind of questions? Can't you just call her?"
She pulled away from me some which kind of hurt.
"Yeah I could, but depending on her answers im gonna need to be in front I her. You don't have to worry y/n, the girls are going with me."
I turned grabbing my shirt.
"Oh so you're gonna go jump her?"
"Y/n really?"
I pulled my shirt over my head, and turned to her.
"Yeah. Really. What do you need to ask her Camila?"
She looked away from me crossing her arms.
"Just about what shes been up to. Don't worry about it."
Ouch. I knew she was hiding something from me, but to tell me not to worry about it? This was reminding me of a year ago and I didn't like it. Maybe I was over reacting, but we weren't doing this shit again.
"Karla are you out of your mind?"
She looked up at me shocked moving back from me a step. She looked like she was gonna cry making me automatically regretting what I said. But fuck it we weren't gonna repeat history.
"You need to tell me what's going on. Youre keeping something from me and i don't like it. You just told me you were going to see Taylor fucking Swift. How do you want me to react? Happy?"
Her eyes went wide some.
"I told you y/n. I just want to talk to her. Nothing's gonna happen ok? I promise."
I groan getting more agitated. I run my hands over my face letting out a breath.
"Will you please stop Lying to me right now. We're supposed to be starting off fresh, and this isn't helping. I don't mean to be aggressive but I'm a little anxious about this. You need to tell me or whatever we've been doing can stop right here. I'm not gonna get hurt again."
All i can think is that she's up to something. That shes using me for some reason. It might be extremely irrational, and paranoid but I've had a shit time and I'm just scared.
She was crying and I couldn't look at her so I looked away. She walked over and wrapped her arms around me.
"Jennifer called while you were in the shower...."
I tensed up some and she tightened her grip on me.
"She said that she talked to Taylor, and knows how to manipulate you. I don't like that she thinks that. I just want to beat the crap out of her, and knowing Taylor is in this makes me even more upset. I just want us to be a little normal, without all the drama."
She kissed my jaw wrapping her arms around my neck.
"I'm sorry I lied I just didn't want you worrying about this. Taylor's not gonna get between I again I promise. This is it for me ok. Im so so sorry I freaked you out."
I sighed some putting my hands on her hips.
"If she puts her hands on you I can't promise to not do anything."
She laughed kissing my cheek.
"Oh yeah! I told Shawn is have lunch with him tomorrow is that ok?"
She pulled back some looking at me, as I laughed at her expression.
"May I ask why?"
"Because you'll be occupied."
I smirked at her as she raised an eyebrow.
"With what?"
"You'll find out."
I smacked her butt before walking off.
"Dont you have to be somewhere babe?"
She was still standing there and then she followed me biting her lip.
I crawled onto the bed to take a nap and she came over and kissed me before heading out. I know she can handle herself I just worry.

Camilas pov

I shouldn't have tried to keep any of this from y/n. I just didn't want him to worry until I knew anything. Maybe it was a little thuggish to bring the girls I just couldn't deal with all of this. I pulled up and saw Dinah and the girls get out of her car.
"So does y/n know about this?"
"Yes Mani he does. Hes just worried a little bit."
"Of course he is this snake kinda ruined you guys. If it were me Mani would be nowhere near her."
I rolled my eyes knowing she didn't really want to be here, but she felt responsible.
"Where's Lucy?"
"She and the boys went over to hang with y/n And check in. He talks to us more then them so."
It was true. I think its because Dinah and Mani kinda were his parents. Even though we're like 5 years older.
"So what are we gonna do?"
I told them about my conversation with Jennifer and I didn't know if y/n wanted them to know about the abuse.
"What else? I can see you want to say something Camz."
I look up and see all the girls looking at me.
"Uh nothing. I'll tell you later, I'm fine."
I know they didn't believe me but they didnt say anything. We headed up to Taylors front door with Dinah cursing some under her breath. I knocked and it only took about a minute for the door to open.
"I was wondering when id be seeing you again Mila. And I see you brought the gang as well."
I crossed my arms already agitated.
"Taylor what the hell is your problem? Are you really that upset that y/n doesnt want you that you would do this?"
She gave me a smile opening the door some more.
"Come on in and we can talk about it."
We followed her inside taking a seat waiting for her to say something.
"Well yes I was a bit sour, but I got over it."
"So that why is Jenny causing problems, and dropping your name?"
Dinah doesn't even know her name wow.
"Oh I'm just helping her out. Maybe she can have a happy ending with him."
"Are you insane too? He's not gonna go anywhere near her."
She took a sip of whatever she was drinking. Probably fucking tea.
"Well sorry but he'll have to, and you're gonna encourage him to go along with her plan."
Lauren got cut off as Jennifer walked into the living room with an envelope.
"You were right Tay these really are great angles."
She tossed it to me before sitting next to Taylor.
"What's this?"
"Some pictures I took of y/n when he was living with me, and Don worry I made sure not to get any of the bruises in the frames."
The girls immediately grew stiff, whereas I focused in on the envelope she gave me.
"Go ahead and take it with you, we have copies, and video."
I really didn't know how to respond honestly. She was gonna try and destroy his career if he didn't go along with this. I want to strangle her and get it over with, but then I'd be in jail.
"And just so you know we're not the only ones that want this. One of your exs really has it out for y/n."
My only ex was Austin, and he may be a dick but he moved on. So I have no idea who the hell else could be involved in this stupid shit. The girls were all quiet, and I know that this isn't gonna end today.
"You two are so evil. I hope when this is over you'll find something better to do."
I got up ushering the girls out. We headed to my house, and the guys and Lucy were gone. There was a note saying they went running and would be back. That at least means the girls and I can look at these photos before telling them. We sat at the kitchen table just staring at the envelope.
"Let's just get it over with guys. We have to do it at some point."
Aly put her hand over mine encouraging me to do it. I sighed not really wanting to see, but I did it any way. I wasnt prepared, and neither were they for what we saw. The first couple were of him snorting coke at some party with naked girls in the background. I heard Mani gasp slightly but I didn't look up. I kept going through and there were close ups of him and other girls taking pills, and drinking. Then there was one of him puking his guts out, and I pushed it away from me trying to calm down a bit. He told me all of this but seeing it is different. I shook it off and kept going till I saw one of him in the hospital with his side bandaged up.
"What is that Mila?"
Dinah reached for it and i let her have it, which I shouldn't have. The next one was of him with a bloodied up face shirtless laying on a couch. I threw it down getting up to leave as Lucy and the guys walked in.
Y/n's pov

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