28. Home

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Y/ns pov

        The last thing i remember was talking to Lauren and telling her we were safe. I know im laying a bed and i feel a weight on my chest. Its a challenge to open my eyes,but i need to see so i force my eyes open. I look down and see Lauren sitting next to me with her arm rested ontop of me. Shes looking up at the t.v.? I continue to look around and see an iv coming from my arm, yeah im in the hospital. I look back towards Lauren and see Mani sitting next to her watching the t.v. as well.
      I feel someone shift to my right which causes me to snap my head towards them, and there she is. Camila had her fingers interlaced with mine and her head laying next to my hip asleep. I was staring so hard at her i didnt hear Lauren call my name. She ran her fingers through my hair making me look back at her. She had tears in her eyes so i slowly wrapped my arm around her waist and tried to speak. My muscules were tight and soar. It was a challege to move and my mouth was so dry it hurt to try but i didnt want her to know i was still hurting.
   "I-i-i to--told y-yyou....."
        It hurt so i stopped there, and she wrapped around me and cried. Mani jumped up and joined in.
      "Are you in any pain, is therr anything you need love?"
      Mani was bouncing off the walls as she called in a nurse amd asked her to get me water. Thank God im so fucking thirsty. Lauren let me go and sat up kissing me before moving to a chair on the wall. I felt Camila stiffen meaning she saw before i turned to look at her. She was more beautiful than before.....her hair was longer but seemed unkempt, her face was thinner meaning she'd lost some weight, she had dried tears along her face. Her mouth was slightly open as she stared at me and then at Lauren.
     "Are you in any pain mr. Y/ln?"
        I was still staring at Mila. I dont know i feel like if i look away she'll disappear. Mani and Lauren walked out with the nurse saying we needed a minute. I didnt know what to say to her so i just squeezed her hand tightly as i felt a tear fall down my face. Im not sure how she interpreted that but she placed her hand on my face wiping my tears. I closed my eyes turning into her hand some.
     "I...ca-came home."
      I grumbled from the pain as she moved away. I snapped my eyes open and gripped onto her arm tightly. I panicked i didnt want her to leave me, i didnt want to be alone again.
      "Shhh. Im just getting your water Teddy."
        She pointed to the table at the foot of the bed where the cup set. I slowly let her go as i looked back at her. I didnt realize my heart rate was elivated until i tried to lay back into the pillows. She came back holding the straw to my mouth helping me a little bit. I drank about half of it before i was finished. She was staring at me as she sat it back on the table. When she got close to me i pulled her by her waist. I saw a ring on her finger and i let her go furrowing my eyebrows as my chest tightened some.
I tilted my head some looking up at her.
       "Its the ring tou got for me....dont you remember?"
       It took me a second but then i remembered. I nodded my head slowly still looking at it.
     "Are you hurting at all?"
     "A little but not bad......we arent together."
       The water helped a lot with my throat. It was still a bit tight but managable.Her face dropped as she looked at me with a pained expression.

    "I meant Lauren. It was hard to keep her calm......"

    I grabbed her hand playing with the ring amd her fingers before pulling her towards me. She was hesitant a bit and i could tell she thought i was fragile at the moment.
   "I dont want to hurt anything y/n."
      "You wont."

     I moved over some pulling her down onto the bed. I laid my head down on her stomach wrapping my arms around her waist. I missed this, i missed her. She was warmer than i remember, and alot gentler even. She began to run her fingers through my hair and started humming. Before i knew it my eyes started to droop. I saw Lauren, Mani, and Dinah come back in so i opened my eyes long enough for them to see i was awake.
    "Ill wait outside so everyone can come see you ok?"

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