Part Twenty-Six

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Part Twenty-Six

"Hey it's Beth. I can't come to the phone right now so leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Bye!"

I hang up, my eyes bloodshot and anger pulsing through my veins. How could I be so stupid? I grab my coat and walk out the door, locking it behind me and getting into my car, driving to her apartment. I need to talk to her. I just made the biggest mistake of my life and now she's gone.

I drive at 5 in the morning, just to see her and explain myself. I can't possibly let her go. I need her too much than some stupid deal, which I told Jonah has been done just so I can go after her. But I need her way more than I ever expected because she is mine.

I park and run out of the car, running to her door and pounding on it. There is no answer.

"Beth please," I say, my voice cracking and the tears streaming down my face. I hate that I did this to her; she was my only shot and I didn't want to let her go. I should have listened to Gemma and stayed with her and fought for her, but I was too stupid and afraid I was in too deep.

"Please, Beth."

"What the hell are you doing?!" an angry man yells from across the hall.

"I-I'm sorry, I just... I need to talk to her."

He rolls his eyes and walks out in his robe.

"Are you fucking psycho? She moved. No one lives here anymore," he states, my confusion growing. She moved?

"How could she move? What do you know?"

He shakes his head and walks back to his apartment, shutting the door rather loudly and leaving me in silence. I turn my attention to the door where she lives, or lived. I grip the doorknob, lucky enough to find it unlocked. Twisting it, I open the apartment door, feeling every ounce of self esteem leaving me.

The place is empty. There is no books, no Beth, nothing. Everything is gone and it looks like the place hasn't held life for years. The only thing I see is a few blankets and a pillow lying on the floor, my legs running to them and fingers grabbing the pillow in my fingers. I bring the cotton to my nose and breath in the last remaining scent of the girl I never thought could leave me. I am an ass.

I throw the pillow on the ground and look at the walls, the ones we painted together, every touch and memory flashing in my head. How could I let myself fall for a girl that I knew I was going to have to break up with?

"Now, I want you to find a girl, any girl, and be their boyfriend. Then when you feel the time is right, dump them to boost your power and strength."

I nod and Jonah looks down at me. "This will help you become a better fighter and then you will be invincible. Your strength and ability will show when you prove to a girl you are dominant. It works every time."

My feet work together to stand, my head nodding in agreement with Jonah, and walking out the doors of the gym. I walk to my sister's apartment and she insists we go to the bookstore, because she needs to get a book for her English class.

We make our way down and she opens the door, my eyes immediately landing on a small, petite girl, brown curled locks framing her face as she concentrates on Pride and Prejudice, one of the greatest books I ever read.

My sister interrupts her and she looks up, her blue eyes bright but too captivating to look away. She's perfect.

I run to the kitchen, searching for anything that is capable of letting anger out. I find multiple glasses and plates and I throw them all at the opposing wall, tears silently shedding from my eyes.

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