Part Seventy-Three

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Part Seventy-Three

My mind circles with thoughts, happy ones of my future with Harry there by my side. Of everything we have done together, this is a major flaw. He started this relationship on a deal, but yet again he also stayed. We are so messed up, but so in love. My chest moves up and down rapidly, my nerves of him ceasing as he leans his forehead on mine.

Harry proposed. My lips can't seem to remain straight, curving into a smile. A tear rolls down my cheek and I sniffle, still getting over the tears from before. My hands drop the pillow and I place them on his cheeks, pulling his lips to mine. His arms wrap around my body, holding me tightly as I kiss him. No one has ever told me this so sincere before. Harry is willing to go to the extremes just to show me that he won't hurt me ever again.

My feet lift to stand on my tip toes, my arms wrap around his neck and his lips move unrushed with mine. My lips part, his lips shakily attaching with mine again, pressing a soft peck to my lips. My forehead rests against his, my nose brushing his and our breathing mixed.

"Yes," I breathe out, his lips attaching to mine directly after. He picks me up and lays me on the bed, caressing my body in his hands. Harry pulls away and his hands cradle my head, his hands holding me and looking into my eyes.

"I love you so much," he whispers, kissing the tip of my nose. I smile up at him and peck his lips.

"I love you too." He smiles and works on kissing my right cheek, the warm skin being touched by his soft lips.

His weight is held up by his forearms, my fingers grabbing onto his soccer jersey. He's still an absolute mess but I just want to hold him right now. He's my fiancée.


Even though I don't have a ring, it's the fact that I have Harry with me and I shouldn't worry. If he gives me a reason to leave, I'm going to leave but I won't want to. Harry is my love.

"Beth, are you happy?" he asks, concern in his voice. He's probably worried about this due to the previous events. Harry is loving and he wants to make sure I am happy with him. We are on good terms because this proposal was a sign that we can do it.

"Yes. You're my Harry," I smile, grabbing his scruffy chin. He laughs and stands up, my body following.

"Is your leg okay?" he asks, looking at the bandage.

"Yeah it's just a scratch."

He nods and tells me he's taking a shower, moving around the room and grabbing fresh clothes.

"You are more than welcome to join me," he smiles, my head shaking. He kisses my cheek and walks into the bathroom, closing the door. The shower sounds through the apartment and I fall back onto the bed, smiling as I do so. Harry pleaded and I knew he was sincere, he's always keeping me safe. Like I said once before, it was a freak accident.

My body stands and I pick up Java, carrying her into the living room. Placing her down in the kitchen, I work to give her food and I give her water too, just in case she wants it. I make myself a cup of tea and Java paws my foot. I lift her up and hold her in one arm, pouring the water into the mug.

"Daddy and I are going to get married," I whisper, kissing her head. I smile to myself and walk back into the bedroom, turning the lights off and locking the front door first.

Placing myself against the headboard, I grab Harry's book off his table and open it, seeing his handwriting written along the pages. My eyes begin reading, keeping Java in my lap, my mind reading the words. Harry seems to hate this literature, his notes not finding the way it's written pleasing. I think it is written amazingly, the expressions and emotions perfectly described.

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