Part Twenty-Nine

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Part Twenty-Nine

My fingers look through Anne's file, finding out that the reason she is here is due to being family deprived and psychologically and physically alone. She feels like she has no one and that everyone left her.

My thoughts are brought out of my mind when I feel two hands on my shoulders. I look up and a soft kiss is placed to my forehead by a smiling Tony.

"What are you working on?" he asks, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I show him the clipboard and he nods.

"Does she have family? Any people we can contact?"

I shake my head. "She was left completely alone and whoever left her are really big idiots. That woman is so kind-hearted and has changed so much the past week."

"Because she has you to talk to," he smiles, leaning and kiss my cheek. I blush and lean onto his shoulder.

I continue talking to Tony until he is called onto the fourth floor, leaving a kiss on my temple and walking away. I skim through the other notes left on the page and feel myself feeling bad for her. I mean, her family left her six years ago and her kids never talk to her.

"Hi B," my mom says, slowly walking to me, oxygen following her. I smile at her and she sits down across from me.

"Hi mom, how are you feeling?" I ask her, her frail fingers gripping the table to help her sit easier.

"Weak because of the medicine from last week. My arms and legs hurt."

I nod and she asks for a sandwich. I get up and grab her a club sandwich, then filling a cup up with water. My feet walk back to my mom and she looks up at me.

"Thank you so much."

I smile and she starts talking about Tony and how much she likes him. My lips remain in a smile every time she talks about him, finding myself in a happy place with him. After my mom finishes her sandwich, Tony walks back into the cafeteria and he sits down by us, immediately striking a conversation with my mom about how amazing the food is here.

I excuse myself and go to the kitchen to get lunch for Anne. I place a glass of water on the tray and then making her a ham sandwich. I set them on a tray and walk back to Tony, my mother since leaving.

"Do you have to take Anne lunch?" he asks, my reply a 'yes' and his body standing. He walks to me and wraps an arm around my waist, whispering that he will be there as I'm there.



"Mum, I need you to take the pill," I tell her sitting across from her on the bed.

She nods, taking it from my fingers. I hand her a glass of water and she swallows the small white pill, her fingers delicately wrapping the glass.

I have been here every day for the past week, every morning, trying to comfort mum in every way. She seems to be happier day by day, hardly ever yelling, but continues to ask why I left her. I have taken accustom to her asking me and she usually switches topics before I have time to answer.

I have gotten a hotel room across the street and usually go there after I visit. When I go there, I usually don't leave due to the suffered hole increasing in my heart. I can't, as hard as I try, get Beth out of my mind. Gemma's constant nagging didn't help and I'm glad she left two days after we arrived.

"Harry, what are you thinking about? You are in a daze."

"Sorry, just stuff."

She nods and she starts telling me about the plane ride here and how she was scared to leave. She's never been on a plane before and her anxiety didn't help. Both of us are brought out of our thoughts when we hear a smash, my head turning to a shaking girl at the door.


The door opens soon after and a man wraps his arms around her, pulling her out of the room and my feet stand quickly, my legs running after her. I see her locked into the man's arms, making me angrier.

"Take me away. I want to leave," she whispers to him and I stand there, completely unknowing how to react about this. I never fought for a girl before but I sure as hell will do it now.

"Beth, please let me talk to you," I plead.

"Beth, who is this?" the man asks, looking at me. He has a hand placed on the back of her head and tightly around her waist.

"I am her boyfriend you dickhead."

He laughs and I am brought out of my defending state. He keeps my girl wrapped in his arms, holding her as she cries. That should be me.

"You're the one who started a relationship off a bet. What do you think was going to happen? She would run into your arms and everything would be okay? I got news for you man, she's moved on from your shit."

"You have no right to talk to me that way," I grit my teeth and he lets go of Beth's shaking body, advancing towards me and grabbing my collar and shoving me against a wall.

"You may think you're the shit, but you destroyed the most beautiful girl in the world and I am lucky enough to know her. Which is little to say about you. I have never heard of an action so low before. A deal man, really? You made a deal to be with her and you have no regrets."

I hit his chest and he lets me go, our eyes level and our bodies the same build. "I have regret every fucking day that I did that to her because I love her with everything in me!" I yell at him, only to realize Beth heard the whole thing. I turn to look at her and she's still crying, unknowing who to look at so her eyes remain on the floor.

"You love her?" he laughs, causing my gaze to look back on him, my anger growing with every word he speaks.

"You love a girl whose relationship meant shit to you."

"Stop," Beth whispers, making both of us to turn to look at her. She walks closer to both of us and shakes her head.

"Just stop," she cries, walking down the hall and her hair falling behind her.

"Beth, wait," I yell, the man pushing me into the wall before running after her. I follow behind them and hear him talking to her, trying to get her to calm down.

"He loves me Tony, he wouldn't lie about that," her soft voice whispers, my heart swelling at the words.

"What are you telling me? That you want to go back to that? He will hurt you Beth and I am way better than that."

I roll my eyes at his shit statement. She is worth everything to me and I don't understand what I can do to prove it.

"I need an explanation from him."

My stomach does a flip at her words, the words sounding like she is giving me a chance. I walk back to my mum's room and I stop when I am called to a room, the most angelic voice causing me to turn around.

"Harry c-can I talk to you?" she whispers, my head nodding and walking towards her, 'Tony' leaving the room and glaring at me. I stare at him and walk in, the door closing behind me and my hands sweating, nervous that this is the only chance I have to explain myself and get the best thing in my life back.






I love you all!! <3

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