Chapter 1: small world

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(Main characters in the picture above if you don't like them it's fine it's just my vision)
I ran down the hall and quickly unlocked the door front door of my new two bedroom apartment. I ran straight into one of the two bedrooms. One bedroom had a bay window and a bathroom with it. The second room was a little bigger but had two regular windows and was next to the bathroom. I ran back into the first room with the bay window.
"THIS ONES MINE I CALL IT" I screamed as my best friend ran into our new apartment.
"Damn it Scar!" My best friend Avery said breathing heavily. "You legit pushed me back into the elevator just to pick a room?!"

I shrugged "oops" she rolled her eyes and gave me the middle finger.

"Come on we have to get our boxes" she sighed...

Hi! I'm Scarlet Holmes, well I guess I'm you in this story. We are 19 years old and finally have our own apartment in the city. Well technically not our own apartment. We are living with our best friend Avery Renings. She is a short girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. We have been best friend since first grade. After we graduated high school we decided to try and move out on our own. Avery used to live with her mom and Grandparents because she never met her dad. We used to live with our mom, dad, and little brother Ben. We got a new job at a business as a receptionist with a side job at a coffee shop. Avery is working at a PINK store in the mall. Today is the day we move into our apartment. Oh did I mention we moved here to New York all the way from Arizona.
Anyway our new apartment was amazing. We were on the 4th floor of the 5 floor building, there were two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one big living room attached to the kitchen, and a balcony. Anyway let's get back into the story.

A few hours later Avery and I sat on our couch exhausted from moving all of our things in.

"At least we're done" Avery yawned.

"I'm starving" I stated "I'm ordering Chinese" I got up and went into the kitchen to order. There was a knock at the door.

"I got it" Avery said. I heard Avery talking to someone but I was to focused on my general chicken and fried rice to care. After I hung up I walked over to Avery.

"GIRL! That was our neighbors they live across the hall" Avery said excitedly.

"Chill" I laughed. "I CANT CHILL. There are two hot guys that live across the hall from us." She said. "They invited us over tomorrow"

"Wait you want us to go to some guys house that we don't even know." I exclaimed.

"Scar I'm not dumb they have a little sister our age" she said to me like I should have known.

"See Avery this is why we tell the entire story in the first shot" I laughed.

"Whatever, so we are going over there tomorrow right?" Avery asked me giving me her puppy dog eyes.

I sighed "fine"

"YAY YOUR THE BEST" Avery hugged me tightly.

About an hour later we ate our Chinese food. "Ok I'm going to bed I have to go to the coffee shop tomorrow" I stated as I started walking to my new room.


"Ave shut up people are sleeping it's 11:30 at night" I laughed and shut the door to my room.
My alarm goes off at 7:00am. I get up and take a quick shower. Then put my hair in a loose messy bun and put on some light makeup. I threw on my uniform shirt and a hoodie over it. I grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen and walked to the elevator. I went into the parking garage and tried to start the car but it turned off almost as quickly as it turned on.

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