Chapter 21- finaly

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(Author here: hi so I'm proud of this chapter it's my favorite. Hope you enjoy this and yes I actually cried as I wrote's deep asf)
"24" Avery said sipping a red solo cup full of beer.

"You kissed 24 different guys your entire life? Where was I" I asked Avery shocked.

"Oh that's no big deal I kissed 61" Zoe smiled

Me, Zoe, and Avery were sitting on Zac and Zander's living room floor drinking and playing 20 questions. We were at their apartment because Zoe was on break at school and was back at their apartment.

"What the hell?" I said to Zoe like I said to Avery. "I only kissed 5, one time in 1st grade"

"I remember Tommy Mixlenn" Avery laughed.

"And then 2 times in 6th grade.." Zoe cut me off "wait these are just pecks, we are talking about 5 seconds or longer"

I smiled "then 2" I laughed

"Who" Zoe said.

"Liam and Z--" I was cut off by the man himself walking in the room with Roni. We looked up at them.

2 months have passed by since I met Roni at the coffee shop. I thought Zac would have moved on to a new girl by now but I guess he is serious about her... yea of course it hurts and I do wonder if Zac still has feelings for me.

"Hey girls" Roni said in a cheery high pitched voice and smiled at us then sat on the couch.

As she sat on the couch I looked at Zac who I caught looking at me. Once he noticed I caught him he looked away and went into the kitchen.

"Hey Roni!" Avery said in the same voice making fun of her kinda but only me and her knew that.

"Hey V" Zoe said and smiled at her.

I just looked at her and smiled.

"Ok next question how many dicks did you suc-" Zoe said but I cut her off

"Okay no lets take a break I gotta pee" I laughed and got up.

I looked at Zac who was looking in the fridge. I suddenly felt insecure around him. I pulled down my short black crop top so it would touch my belly button and I pulled my gray sweats up a little more. I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I looked at my self in the mirror and sighed. I had little make up on and a messy bun. I stood in their a few minutes just looking at my self comparing myself to Roni and finally got out of the bathroom. I walked towards the living room.

"Scar get more beers before you come back Zac's being a dick and won't give me one and I'm to drunk to stand" Zoe smiled.

I laughed and walked to the kitchen, I looked around and Roni wasn't there.

"She had to go home to watch her little brother her moms nurse and works the night shift" Zac said sitting at the counter.

I looked at him and didn't respond. I went in the fridge to look for more beer.

"Okay be like that I guess" Zac said.

"Really Zac" I turned around and looked at him. "You're a real dick" I laughed out of annoyance

"What the fuck Scarlet" Zac said to me mad. "You on your period because all I did was try to start a conversation."

"okay Zac its okay for you to not talk to me for 2 fucking months but once you feel like talking to me again out of no where it's okay" I laughed. "And you talk to me about you fucking girlfriend!"

"What's that supposed to mean!" Zac screamed back at me.

I scoffed and walked out to my apartment.

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