Chapter 12- No New Friends

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Today was pretty good me and Alyssa talked a lot about each other like I know that her parents are super strict and they never let her out, there so strict that they almost homeschooled her. But anyway Zac tried to flirt with her about 10 times but she just completely ignored him and would continue talking to me. I don't know many girls who just ignore hot guys like that... I mean at least give him a smart comeback.

"Thanks for helping me today Scar" Alyssa said and hugged me tight. It was the end of the day so she left while me and Zac were getting ready to close up. "No problem" I said hugging her uncomfortably.

"Goodnight Sexy" Zac said waving to Alyssa, she glanced at him and gave him a confused look then looked at me and smiled "goodnight" she walked out.

"dude" Zac said in a hurt voice. "That never happens"

I laughed "I guess you have met your match"

"No you're my match" he said shaking his head and put the mop in the closet.

I smile and blushed a little "I GOT IT SHES LESBIAN" he screamed.

"Zac!" I laughed "just because a girl doesn't like you doesn't mean she's gay, I don't like you and I'm straight"

"You like me Scar" he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back and he winked at me.

I shook my head "she's not gay"

"Well she doesn't like me and she seems to like you and Mandi and her are friendly--" I cut him off. "First of all she doesn't like me like that and second...Mandi?" I said confused.

"Oh come on Scar" he said and tilted his head "she's gay and don't say she's not because she doesn't like me, she had girlfriends before whom I met because she would always sneak them in the back and disappear for about an hour" he said and I laughed "don't tell Copper I was sworn to secrecy"

I laughed "I'm serious" he said in a chuckle "put your right hand up and repeat after me"

I laughed and shook my head "seriously"

"Oh just do it"

"Fine" I raised my right hand.

"I, Scarlet Linda Holmes." Zac said.

"My middle names not Linda" I laughed. "Oh whatever" Zac said.

"I, Scarlet ISABEL Holmes" I said and Zac smiled "even your name is beautiful" he said and I blushed "shut up"

He smiled "swear to never ever ever tell anyone that Mandi McRai sneaks her girlfriends into the back and gives them free coffee"

"She gives them free coffee?" I asked.

"Say It!" He said and I laughed.

"swear to never ever ever tell anyone that Mandi McRai sneaks her girlfriends into the back and gives them free coffee" I said quickly.

"And Zac is the hottest guy I ever saw and I want to kiss him every time I see him" he said smiling.

"And no" I smiled and put my hand down and laughed. "So I can trust you because you make people swear to secrecy?"

"I'd say so" he shrugged and walked up to me.

"Promise me I can trust all seriousness" I said looking up at him as his body was inches away from mine.

"I swear, I pinky promise" he said and leaned his head down to mine "all seriousness" he leaned in to kiss me.

I swerved my head "just because I'm trusting you doesn't mean we are dating"

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