Chapter 4- Can't be jealous over someone that was never mine

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"Shit" I said quietly to myself as a paper flew off of my desk on to the floor. On my desk there were 3 piles of paper. Paper for a law company from a 2014-2016 case arranged in event order that Angelina would have to analyze and give back to the court, the second pile was a few new website ideas for N and E which I was left to choose three of the best ideas and give them to Angelina by Thursday, and the last pile was for me to throw away papers that were from 2013 or earlier and keep everything from 2014 to now 2017, they call it 3 year spring cleaning, everything that happened before three years is now considered irrelevant. After I put the paper back in the third pile someone walked over to my desk.

"Well done so far Scarlet" Angelina said to me proudly. "It's 1:00 right now you have a half hour lunch break then back to work. She smiled "oh and one more thing I just got back from my break and there was a boy downstairs yelling at the front desk he said something that sounded like Scarlet so I would go see what's happening before he gets kicked out. And please if you do know him try and keep your personal relationships out of the work place." She said and walked away.

I was confused so I went downstairs as fast as I could. As soon as I got off the elevator I saw the last person I wanted to see, Zac.

I walked up to the front desk. "Her names Scarlet she's like 5'2, brown hair..are you even listening anymore?" Zac was saying to the lady at the desk.

"Zac!" I said and pulled him by the sleeve. "What are you doing here your getting me in trouble" I said pulling him outside the building and made my way to salad works which was right across the street.

"I brought you coffee, duh" he said holding the coffee in his hand "Jeez you try to be nice for once and you get in trouble for it."

"Well thanks but you can't just come into my job and start yelling at everyone"
I said walking into salad works then ordered my food. "Am I really the only reason your here" I asked picking up my food.

"You wish newbie" he laughed "I had to bring Zoe to our old high school on my break because she needs two recommendations from high school to get into some college internship."

"Oh cool what's it for" I asked sitting down and eating my salad.

"Fuck am I supposed to know" he said sitting across from me.

"Um did you not ask her" I said eating.

"Nope, its Zander's job to take care of her school stuff and I take care of any boys that try to talk to her" he smiled and took a crouton.

"Why must you always take my food" I said poking his hand with my fork as he went on to grab another one.
"Because you always have food and I'm always hungry" he shrugged. "Anyway about Zander, I think he things Annie"

"Avery?" I asked shaking my head.

"Yeah, Avery, Annie, Abby whatever" he rolled his eyes.

I ate more salad "why do you think he likes her?"

"Because he's always talking about her and whenever he hears her name he gets all weird and his face gets red and stuff." He said while he was on his phone.

"Awe I gotta tell Ave tonight." I said excitedly.

"It's Avery" he said smugly mimicking me.

"Haha funny" I said sarcastically and finished the rest of my salad. "Ok I gotta get back" I got up and threw my trash away.

"Later Bug" he said and handed me the coffee he brought me.

"Later" we walked in different directions and I sipped the coffee. "YO THIS IS GROSS" I turned around and yelled at him down the street.

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