Chapter 15- how many hoes

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About 3 months later it was may. Me and Zac have been really good friends. After that night we fucked about 10 more times. I didn't know what to do with zac. Sure I like him but things aren't going anywhere. Anyway, life went on boring as usual. This Sunday that just passed Alyssa was fired. They hired a new guy named Cole, yesterday was his first day. He worked at different cafe shops before so he was experienced and didn't need to be trained. These past few months have been pretty busy in the cafe because of the jelly bean day that we had in the beginning of march. Today is Saturday and it's Coles 2nd day. Me and him became friends as soon as he walked in. Zac on the other hand...

I was behind the counter setting up the cups and Zac was taking the chairs off of the tables and putting them on the floor. It was 7:45 which means 15 minutes until we open.

"So that Cole guy" Zac said putting down a chair. "Seems weird"

"Zac he's honestly awesome, maybe if you would actually talk to him" I laughed.

"I talked to him" Zac said defensive.

"You have said one word to him since he got here and spent the rest of the time giving him glares. At least he's better than Alyssa." I shrugged.

"Im glad she got fired. If she wasn't a girl I would punch her" Zac said angrily.

Alyssa got fired after she groped me several times and once she thought I was interested in me for some reason and kissed me at work. I reported her to Copper and she fired her.

"Zac come here" I said and Zac slowly walked around the counter to me and I hugged him. "I'm ok"

He hugged me back and sighed.

"SCARLET JOHANSSON" a cute low voice yelled as the front door opened.

I looked at the tall boy with bright blue eyes and pretty gorgeous blonde hair and said "COLE SPROUSE"

This was Cole he was adorable. He always makes funny jokes about people and we always think the same things at the same time. He's really cool.

"You guys are weird" Zac said and went to the back room.

Cole walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Hey shortie" he said looking down at me.

"Hey daddy long legs" I smiled.

"I like it when you call me daddy" Cole said. We both laughed.

"That's so gross" I laughed. "Yea don't call anyone but your father daddy" Cole laughed.

Zac came back out and walked to the front and turned the closed sign to open and glared at Cole. The day was pretty fun. Work is fun when Cole is here, even when there's no customers it's fun. We play this game with me and him and who ever makes the most orders in a day wins. So regular coffees are 5 points, more advanced drinks are 10 points, and Secret drinks from the secret menu are 20 points.

It was 7:00 and we were closing up. "I got 75 points." I said to Cole.

"80 bitch" he said smugly. I slapped him in the arm and laughed. Zac was in the bathroom and I was waiting for him to come out so we could leave.

"Listen Scar, your cool and I feel like we're becoming good friends, maybe you wanna go out with me on Thursday and we could do something fun" he shrugged.

I looked surprise and Cole said "think about it, text me when you have your answer" he winked at me "goodnight Scar" he walked out.

Zac came out of the bathroom "did Cole just ask you out"

"Are you eavesdropping on my conversations?" I asked him as we left and locked the door to the shop.

"I'm serious" Zac said stopping at the car.

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