Chapter 7- care: intention of doing something correctly; avoid damage or risk

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Don't you hate that feeling when you hear something and you heart literally sinks, but you sit there and pretend everything is ok. When Zac said he didn't need me it hurt but I didn't know why. I didn't like him, I couldn't like him. After he said that to me I ran out of the apartment, I had to get out and take a walk.

Zac's POV

After Scar stormed out I didn't feel bad. It was the truth I don't know why she was trying to get closer to me, I don't need her. But the thing about Scar is she is the only one that has ever tried. The only one who has ever cared after...her.

"What did you do to her you prick?!" Avery stormed in with my brother and sister. She marched up to me and slapped me on the arm pretty damn hard. "Ow calm down blondie, Zan come get your girl" I said rubbing my arm.

"What did you do to Scarlet? She left" Avery said crossing her arms. "I didn't do anything to her, I told her I didn't need her and I don't." I shrugged.

"She's trying to be your friend. She cares about you Zac and you are pushing her out. Do you know how hard that is. She is trying to not care about you but she can't so she worked up the courage to let you know and you just hurt her like that. You might have just let the best thing that ever happened to you walk out of this apartment." Avery said. I couldn't listen to this anymore.

"I. Don't. Need. Her." I said coldly almost scaring myself. Avery shook her head and slapped me again in the same spot then stormed out. "Damn bitches be devious" I said to Zander. Zoe followed Avery back into her apartment.

"Zac, Scar likes you, stop pushing her out and give her a chance, I know what happened with Miranda really hurt you but---" I cut off Zander. "Don't say her name Zander" I looked at him seriously.

"Look not all girls are like Miran-- I mean her. But me and you both know that Scar is different and I know you like her. You can deny it all you want but you do at least care about her like she cares about you" Zander said to me walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Tell me this Zan." He stopped but didn't turn around. "If I cared about her so much then why am I not running after her making sure she is okay right now."

Zander turned around. "Because you want to play this stupid game with her. You are gonna keep playing this game until you fucking loose her. I'm not gonna watch you break even more man" he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I sighed and heard the shower go on but Zander peeked his head out of
The door. "Yo Zac, why don't you want to tell her what happened?" He asked me.

I thought about his question and realized what the answer was. "Miranda hurt me a lot, but I want to keep it to myself so it doesn't hurt anyone else...." I thought about this and I realized that I did care about scarlet and I do have feelings for her..but when people get to close, something bad is bound to happened.
Scarlet's POV

I came back a few hours later from just walking around and exploring the city. It was 6:00 when I got home. I finally looked at my phone...16 missed calls from Avery, 5 voicemails, and 48 texts from Avery and Zoe, and 12 missed calls from Zoe.

As I got off the elevator I saw Zac sitting outside of his apartment. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him. "Scar" he said looking up at me. I ignored him. "Fine just listen, I can't get close to you because I care. I don't want to but I do. I'm not good for you, I'm like a bomb and I don't want to destroy you. And I won't tell you that I like you and I don't tell you I care because I believe that people who hide their feelings usually care the most. So I am pushing you away but I like playing this back and forth game with you and I know that's bad but--"

I cut him off and with out turning around I said "don't push me away and then wonder where I went and why I left" I opened the door and walked in.

That night I got a long ass conversation..well less like a conversation and more like well..Avery yelling at me for not picking up my phone. It was 12:07 am and I couldn't sleep so I went into the kitchen and made my self a Nutella sandwich and watched some Grey's Anatomy. I was thinking about how I was gonna work next to Zac tomorrow I figured that I would just ignore him but it's hard.

I finally fell asleep on the couch around 2:20am. I was at work kinda slow because I was so tired. I drank a lot of coffee and ignored Zac as well as I could. The day went by annoyingly slow. Zander went to California to study at the apple headquarters so it was just Zoe and Zac. Me and Avery decided to go to their apartment to help Zoe pack her stuff since she decided that she wanted to stay on campus for college. Zander was extremely outraged but was eventually okay with it. I didn't even ask for Zac's reaction.

"I don't know why Zander was so mad I mean at least he has his own room now" Zoe said to me and Avery taking some boxes into the living room. All of a sudden Zac came into the apartment kissing some girl. He looked at me and pulled her into his room. "And I don't have to see that anymore" Zoe said in disgust. "But anyway what's going on between you and Zac"

I sighed "well obviously I can't ignore him I mean he's everywhere. So I'm just gonna have to push away my feelings and be as much as a friend to him as I can." I shrugged.

Zac came out of his room in just his underwear. "Zoe where's the fucking condoms" Zac said in a hurry. "You probably used them all you dick" Zoe shook her head.

He ran into the other bathroom and came out with an empty box. "Damn" he thought about something for a second then shook his head and said "nah she's not worth it" he opened the door to his room and went in then a few minutes later he came out with sweatpants and the girl half naked "sorry but I'm not trying to get a slut pregnant" he said angry.

The girl slapped him and ran out. "At least I used my last condom on a good one" he looked at me and winked referencing to the night we slept together.  I rolled my eyes. "So glad I don't remember it" I said smugly at him and tried to hide my smile.

"Trust me Bug, you wish you remembered" he put his hand on his heart trying to act sincere and we both laughed. I missed this..we were slowly going back to normal.
A week had passed by and Zoe was settled into her dorm, she had been in there for a few days. It was Friday and today Avery was flying back to Arizona to visit her family. I was going to go with her but Angelina had a big project on Monday which she really needed me for so I couldn't go. Zander was supposed to come back to New York today but he decided to stay in cali and drive to Arizona when Avery got there. I couldn't believe it when Avery told me he was gonna stay with her and her parents for the weekend. They are supposed to come back on Tuesday morning. It was about 10:30pm on Friday and I was terribly tired and bored. I had just finished my last episode of Greys anatomy and I was now caught up so I had nothing else to do. I decided to watch every sad movie I knew from Fault in Our Stars, to the Titanic, to the Notebook. I decided to go to bed even though I wasn't tired. I shut all the lights and went to my room and laid down. Once I realized that it was the first time I was sleeping alone in my apartment I kinda freaked out....okay people don't judge me but I'm scared of sleeping alone when no one else is home. I turned on my lights and paced back and forth figuring out what to do. "No way Scar we are not going to Zac's" I said to my self. "Okay so maybe I can just ask to sleep there and sleep on Zander's bed in Zoe's old room." This debate with myself was going no where until I found myself outside of Zac's apartment. "Okay he's probably not even home just try stop being a pussy" I knocked on his door and immediately regretted it once the door opened.

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