Chapter 5- taking advantage

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"You guys this is really revealing" I said in my bathroom while Zoe and Avery were on my bed.

"Who cares girl we're young" Avery said "now come on I wanna see it.

"Fine I'm coming." I said and walked out of the bathroom wearing a black long sleeved crop top with a hole on my chest in the front showing cleavage and tight olive green high waisted jeans with knee high black boots. We all wore long sleeves because it was January.

"DAMN MAMI YOU LOOK HOT" Zoe yelled which made me laugh.

"FUCK IT UP BESTIE" Avery yelled.

I made my hair into loose beach waves and did my make up perfectly. We all were ready by 8:30. We all walked into the hall.

Zoe, Avery, me, and Zander were in the hall waiting for none other then Zachary Karr.

"Come on bro!" Zander yelled into the apartment. He put his arm around Avery and kisses her cheek "you look beautiful"

She blushed lightly. "You look freaking hot" she said to him and I laughed.

"I'm here I'm here" Zac said coming out of the apartment, he shut the door and locked it. "Okay guys I'm trying to get laid tonight so let's--" he turned around and looked at me and was cut off by him starring at me. I noticed him starring at my boobs and rolled my eyes.

I was about to say something but Zoe beat me to it. "You were saying Zac? How you supposed to get girls drooling over boobs like that."

He shook his head out of his trance and we all laughed. "Yeah yeah laugh it up, so what I'm a guy and she looks hot and has nice tits and I looked sue me" Zac said annoyed and started walking to the elevator.

"Thank you?" I said unsure. We all went outside of the apartment and waited for our uber.

"It's so cold!!" Zoe freaked out rubbing her arms. Avery and Zander were cuddling showing a lot of PDA. Zac leaned against the wall and took out a cigarette.

"YOU SMOKE?!" I yelled in surprise. Zac shrugged his shoulders "only sometimes."

"Gross" I shook my head. "Just stay away from me while your smoking."

"Not like I was gonna come near you anyway" he rolled his eyes and lit the cigarette.

Sure smoking is gross and terrible for you and no one should ever do it but Zac looked pretty damn sexy smoking. Zac blew out smoke and said "stop starring" he smiled.

"I wasn't starring I was....looking" I said crossing my arms. "Looking for a while with out blinking" he responded.

"You guys are so cute" Avery said watching me and Zac argue back and forth.

"Bullshit, I hear bullshit" I shook my head at Avery and she laughed.

The uber pulled up. Zac threw the cigarette on the floor and strutted the the car.

I got in the back with Zoe and Avery had to sit on Zander's lap, Zac had to sit in the front.

It took 15-20 minutes to get there. The club was called "hall" there was different colored lights shining outside the door, the line was long so we went to wait there. There was silver confetti on the floor leading to the door.

"It's. Cold." Zoe said again. "Wow Zoe is it cold?" Zac said sarcastically "I guess I didn't notice, you know after you said that already, we all are wearing long sleeves, and I can see my breath when I talk" Zac said.

"Maybe it's the smoke from your nasty cigarette" I smiled at him. "Haha funny" he said sarcastically.

About 10 minutes passed by, Zoe was talking to a group of girls about god knows what but they kept squealing, Avery and Zander were making out. I was tired as fuck and my feet were killing me. I was so tired I closed my eyes and was leaning against Zac for like 5 minutes with one of his arms wrapped around me and the other hand he had his phone and was scrolling through Instagram, twitter, and Snapchat. I was falling asleep but was woken up by Zac pushing me off of him. "We can go in now" he said putting his phone in his pocket. I yawned and walked into the club. The first thing you see when you walk in is a little room and stairs leading upstairs to a latter which lead to the roof. When you go on the roof to the left side was a bunch of couches in the middle was a giant dance floor with many people dancing and to the right was a bar and more couches. "THIS IS SO CUTE" Zoe screamed. We all walked over to an open couch.

"I'll get us drinks" Zander said. "I'm going with you" Zac followed him.

"Yo Zan, I'm kinda feeling Scarlet tonight, would it be bad if I made a move on her" Zac said to Zander walking to the bar. "I mean be carful man, she's feisty and different" Zander responded. "I mean you can try I guess"

The boys got a bunch of different drinks and brought them back to the couch. "Ok Vodka for Avery and Zoe, Beer for Scar" Zander said handing us the drinks he got since he was 21. "Thanks" we all said. Zac sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I was kinda confused but I ignored it. "Come let's dance" Zoe said trying to pull me up. "No I'm to tired right now I need to get drunk" I laughed and noticed Zac smile against the top of his beer and took a sip.

"Fine you suck. Come on Av" she took Avery by the hand and pulled her to the dance floor with Zander.

I turned to Zac. "Don't you wanna go dance with some hot girl".

"Only if you come with me" he said. "I'll cock block you" I laughed.

"Come on Scar loosen up" He said "don't be so uptight"

"I'm not uptight..I'll show you" I chugged my beer and then took Zac's and started drinking that. I chugged his too...I'm definitely gonna throw up later.

"Let's go" I stood up and pulled Zac with me to the dance floor and found Avery, Zoe, and Zander.

I felt the alcohol kicking in "I don't know why I chugged two beers when I know I'm a fucking light weight" I said laughing to them.


"Come on I'm only here because you made me" I laughed. "You did this on your own" Zac laughed and put his hands on my waist. About 45 minutes passed by and I had 2 more drinks and 3 tequila shots.

I was dancing up on Zac feeling myself in this crop top. My hands were on Zac's shoulders and his were on my waist as I rubbed up on him. I turned around and danced on him, I dropped down to the floor and slowly came back up and grinded on Zac. Gas pedal came on. "THIS IS OUR SOOONNGG" me and Avery said together in our drunken state. I twerked on Zac's D area as Avery did to Zander. Zac slid his hands down my waist to my ass. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck still dancing on him and he grabbed my ass. "Damn Scar" he smirked at me. "You really hot when you make that face" I kinda slurred my words. "You look really sexy tonight" Zac said to me looking me up and down. I bit my lip and pulled his head closer to mine, his lips were close to mine. "Take advantage of me" I said to him and looked in his eyes. "Scar.." I cut him off and slid one of my hands down his chest near his belt, "take. Advantage. Of. Me" I said again sternly. He smirked at me and kissed me roughly.

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