Chapter 20- part 2

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(Helllooo ok sorry it took so long for me to write I have been having no ideas at all....but now I have a good idea so READ TELL YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOUR SISTERS TELL YOUR BROTHERS TELL YOUR LOCAL HOMELESS MAN IDK...when your thirsty for reads...anyway yeah:) enjoy)
Zac's POV
It was a good day, we did all of her favorite things. I was happy to spend the day with her. The sun was going down and the sky was a shade of orange and pink. I stood there with my arm around this beautiful girl. "Thank you for today" she said to me smiling.

I smiled taking in her amazing smile and how perfect she is, with her beautiful brown eyes and the way her hair falls perfectly over her shoulder. "Your welcome" I took her hands and looked at her. "Scarlet, your important to me, you mean everything to me, you changed me, you made me a better person, I like who I am when I'm around you, I like how I feel when I'm with you"

"Zac" Scarlet said quietly and smiled softly.

"I-I...will" I looked at her studying her face thinking about the first day we met when I was a complete jerk to her. Realizing how much she deserved.
"What happened?" Zander asked me as we sat on the main balcony.

"I couldn't do it, she deserves better than me" I said quietly

"Dude she likes you maybe even loves you and I know you love her, you were about to ask her out what happened." Zander said mad

"I couldn't do it Zander!" I got up.

"Why do you do this to yourself" Zander shook his head and went inside.

"I didn't ask her out because I care more about her happiness then my own." I said to Zander before he went in "I'm moving on for good"
Scarlet's POV

Zac and I had the most amazing day three days ago, he was perfect, I was sure he was gonna ask me out but then again it was Zac and everything is always complicated with him. For example after that day we didn't speak that much. He wouldn't sleep in the bed with me. He slept on the couch in the living room. I didn't know why. It was our last day here so me and Avery woke up early to get to the beach. We were on our beach chairs in the beautiful white sands drinking our pinacolada and I wouldn't have wished to be anywhere else or with anyone else besides my best friend in that moment. Sure this was a short vacation but I am glad to go home.

We spend a lot of the day packing for our flight which was at 3:00am so we all went to bed early. We got back to NY by 2:00pm. I unpacked as Avery laid in my bed "so he hasn't talked to you since that day?"

"Nope I don't know what happened everything was perfect" I shrugged.

"Well he's a weirdo" Avery said and snuggled up in my bed closing her eyes.

I laid next to her "why do things have to always be complicated?"
About a week later I was working in the coffee shop. It was pretty slow around 3:30 so I was sitting at the cash register in awkward silence next to Zac. "So..." I said and Zac shook his head. "What did I do Zac?! Everything was fine"

"You didn't do anything Scarlet so stop" Zac said and I looked at him confused.

A girl short with big brown round eyes and long dark brown hair walked in "Zac" she smiled.

I looked at Zac who smiled at her and walked around they counter "hey baby" he hugged her and kissed her. I'm pretty sure you could her my heart crack in that moment.

"Are you sure it's okay if I'm here? I don't want to be a clingy girlfriend or anything" the girl said.

"I want you here baby" Zac smiled with his hands on her hips.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood there looking at them.

The girl looked at me "oh are you Scarlet"

I looked at her confused "uh yea"

"Oh your Zac's friend" she turned to Zac "your right she is pretty"

She walked up to me and extended her hand "I'm Veronica, people usually call me Roni" she smiled. I hesitantly took her hand and shook it. "Um hi, Zac's girlfriend?"

"He hasn't told you?" She rolled her eyes "I guess its new we have only been dating for a little less than a week."

"Oh yea I didn't get a chance to tell Scarlet" Zac said and looked at me then back at his girlfriend.

The rest was a blur. I couldn't listen to this crap. I powered through the rest of the day and as soon as I got home.

"Avery a fucking girlfriend?!" I said in a panic.

"Don't work Scar she's probably just another slut of the week" Avery said shaking her head.

"No Ave she is serious I know it..he's moving on, that's why he hasn't talked to me" I sat down next to her on the couch.

"Girl you can do better than him anyway" Avery said to me as I starred at the blank tv. "Get up we're going out to eat" she said pulling me off the couch.

"I'm not hungry" I said refusing to get up.

"You will be and we have no food in the apartment and we sure as hell aren't going to the boys apartment to steal their food because I know Zander knew about this and didn't tell me" Avery said.

I sighed and got up "chick-fil-a?" I asked.

"Duh" Avery nodded. We walked out of our apartment and of course Zac and his new girlfriend are walking up the hall kissing. "EXCUSE ME PEOPLE WALKING" Avery said loudly.

"Shit Abby chill" Zac said starting to kiss Roni again


"Zander's girlfriend... she's pretty too what the fuck why are you all so pretty." Roni said to us. She seemed like an air head.

"Babe we get it they are pretty" Zac kissed her again. "Stop we aren't those people who make people uncomfortable making out" she said and opened the apartment door. "Sorry guys" she smiled. "Nice meeting you Avery"

The door shut and me and Ave got on the elevator "it's hard to hate her" Avery said "but I will"

I smiled "thanks" I sighed as we got in the car. I looked out the window thinking about Zac "this doesn't make sense it's not like we were dating why am I this upset?"

"Because you were in looovvvve with each other" Avery said.

"yea yea whatever" I rolled my eyes.

Avery looked at me "you'll be ok?" She asked

"I'll be ok" I smiled "now can we please get some Chicken"

"I thought you weren't hungry?" Avery mimicked me.

"I'm always hungry for Chick-fil-A"

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