Chapter 16- wrapped around your finger

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"Why are you always sitting outside waiting for me creep" I said walking up to Zac who was smoking. "Ew first of all no smoking in the building and second no smoking outside of my room.

"Sorry" he said and sounded upset and put the cigarette in a water bottle with barely any water left in it.

I sigh "what's wrong" I slid down his door sitting on the floor and faced him "talk to me"

"Nothing, how was your look good"Zac said to me.

"Thanks but Zac I'll sit out here all night" I said urging him to tell me what's wrong.

"I need to let you be with other people right now" Zac said "and it hurts really bad but I'm doing it for you, I know you can't wait for me to grow the balls to ask you out but I'm gonna build the courage and get over my problems." He said to me. "I hope you'll be there when I get over myself...and if your not there it's long as your happy" he smiled at me.

"Zac" I leaned forward and grabbed his hand "I'll always be here for you"

"I know" he smiled and nodded "but that's not what I mean"
"I honestly think that girl ate the Reese Cup on purpose just to go home early" I said laughing.

"I don't think a girl in 1st grade would purposely eat peanuts which she is allergic to on purpose just to leave early" Zac said wiped the counter as I stacked the cups.

"I mean" I walked into the bathroom with my bag "she was bragging about it for a week" I said getting changed out of my uniform.

"Bragging how?" Zac asks me from outside.

"Like she kept saying she almost died like little girl you get a rash on your face and your lips blow up chill" I said and walked out of the bathroom wearing black shorts and a baby pink crop top.

"Wow" Zac said looking at me and I smiled

"So you'll take my clothes home for me" I said handing my uniform to Zac.

He nodded "so you and Cole are dating?" He asked me.

"No no no it's only our second date" I said quickly and he nodded.

"Zac.." I asked and Cole walked in.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me.

"Hey ugly" I winked and he laughed.

"I'll see you tonight" Zac winked at me and left.

Cole looked at me confused "what does that mean." He asked.

"He's taking my uniform home for me" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh" he awkwardly laughed.

"Anyway I'm taking you to the movies." We walked out of the coffee shop around 7:30, Cole was done work at 3 today so he came back so we could leave together. I let Zac take my car home so we only had Coles car.

We got to the movies and me and Cole fought over paying for the tickets so we agreed that Cole would pay for the tickets and I would pay for the popcorn and Coke.

We got to the theater playing "The Belko Experiment."

Half way through the movie Cole put his hand on my thigh and I left it there. I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie.

"So can we go to your apartment" I asked him as we got into his car.

"Damn Scar" Cole smirked.

"Not like that!" I laughed and he did too.

We got to his apartment and sat on the couch and we looked through his yearbook from senior year. His sisters are gorgeous and his brothers are so damn hot. (Pictures above)

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