Chapter 8- Three Things

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"Uh hi" I said looking at his body. He had nothing but a towel on and water dripping from his hair. I still heard the shower on. "Sorry where you taking a shower?" I asked the stupidest question ever. "No Scar I was just making a 5 course meal" Zac said sarcastically "what do you think I was doing" he laughed.

"Sorry I just couldn't fall asleep so I decided to come here for some reason." He moved to the side "come in" he smiled and I walked in. "I'm gonna finish in the shower and we can watch something" he was walking to the shower and stopped and turned around. "You wanna join me? I bought more condoms" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and decided to tease him. "You know I would really love to remember how it was that one night, maybe if I get in with you, you could remind me" I bit my lip trying to look seductive. His sexy smirk turned into a shocked look "wait seriously because I'm down" he said excitedly. "No moron hurry up" I shook my head and laughed.

About 10 minutes later Zac sat down next to me on his bed, he was wearing nothing but grey sweatpants. So what are we watching" he said as I started the movie

"22 jump street" I responded yawning

"We can go to sleep in you don't want to watch it" he said hearing me yawn.

"Nope it's fine" I smiled and he put his arm around me and I moved it away "no" I said to him.

"Oh come on don't be so uptight" Zac complained.

"Shut up" I said and watched the movie start.

We sat in awkward silence you could tell that I was still a little mad at him.

He took the remote and paused the movie. "Scarlet..there's been something on my mind and I'm just gonna say it...I'm sorry, I'm sorry for having trust issues, I'm sorry for being a dick to you, I'm sorry for pushing you away, I'm sorry for hurting you, and I'm sorry for telling you what I'm about to tell you"

I looked at him confused. "What are you about to tell me?" I asked sitting up looking at him.

"The truth" he said. "There was this girl her name was Miranda, I met her when I was in 3rd grade she was always nice to me and became my best friend, once we got to 7th grade I asked her out, she said yes and we were dating until 12th grade. Prom night...I caught her in our hotel room with my best guy friend. The hard thing is I loved her more than anything, her virginity meant a lot to her and I was going to take it that night and she was going to take mine. We had a long conversation about it to make sure we were meant a lot to after I was mad and she wanted me back and I couldn't she cheated on me with my best friend, she wasted 5 years of my life" he was getting angry "and you know what I realized? I never loved her... you know you loved someone when you don't hate them for breaking your heart, but after that I hated her immediately and never stopped. So I don't know who I can trust anymore, I got betrayed by my girlfriend and my best friend" he looked at me and calmed down.

"And when I look at you...I'm home?" I said not knowing what sappy thing to say to him.

"Don't freaking quote finding memo right now, can't you be serious for two seconds" He laughed. "I like being around you Scar you make me feel better about everything" he said to me and I smiled. "I don't want to mess anything up so we're gonna start as good friends right now and I'll try to trust you..I'll try Scarlet"

I smiled at him and hugged him "okay" I said quietly.

"Scar I want you to remember 3 things...number 1, I am here" he said reassuringly.

"And 2 and 3?" I asked after he stopped at 1.

"You will find out" he smiled and I nodded "okay"
"Zac stop" I laughed as Zac splashed me with more dirty dishwater.

"Fine I'm done" Zac smiled and dried his hands then jumped up and sat on the counter. It was 7:00 at night we had to stay late at work because there was some event happening. Mani left at 5 and Copper helped until 2 and trusted Me and Zac to lock up. We were supposed to close at 7:30 so we started cleaning up.

"Move your ass I just wiped that counter" I slapped his knee with the towel I was holding.

He pulled me between his legs "watch that attitude"

"Or else what" I asked raising my eyebrows.

He slowly leaned in centimeters away from my lips "or else I'm--" he was cut off by the bell when the door opened "um hello? Are you guys still open?" Someone asked.

I smiled at Zac "saved by the bell" I walked over to the other side of the counter and Zac followed me.

We finally got to go home I slept at Zac's again. I was in the shower and got out and Zac being the obvious asshole that he is he stole my clothes and towel while I was in the shower...maybe I should have locked the door. "Zachary, where the fuck are my clothes?!" I screamed and peeked outside the door. "Come out and get them" he said from the living room"

I rolled my eyes. "Zac, Its cold!" I groaned.

"Well when you get out here I'll hug you and make you warm" he said smugly. I could tell in his voice that he was smirking.

"Creep" I said and looked around the bathroom, I thought about a way to get a towel but the closet was all the way down the hall so I took the hand towel and dried myself. "Zac, come here with my clothes please" I complained. I heard him groan, a few seconds later he came to the bathroom and I peeked my head out.."thank you" I smiled at him.

"I wanna see you, I miss it" he pouted.

"Pervert?" I laughed.
"SCARLET!" I snapped out of my daydream at my desk and looked up at Angelina.

"Listen I thought that for this project you would need some help so you are getting a new temporary intern" Angelina said typing in her phone "he will be here in about a half hour. Tell him whatever you need help with okay?" She asked me.

"Okay perfect, thank you so much" I said and she walked away.

For the next half hour I was sorting out things I needed my new intern to do.

"Excuse me, Ms. Holmes?" I heard a sexy voice say.

"Yea" I looked up at the tall guy with amazing blonde hair.

He smiled at me.. goddamn that smile "I'm Christopher Walter your new intern"

"Perfect" I smiled. "Go find a chair and come back we have a lot of work to do Mr. Walter"

"Call me Christopher" he smiled. "Then call me Scarlet" I bit my lip and smiled.

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