Chapter 6- people can be broken

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We stumbled over to our couch, he fell on the couch and I was on top of him, we never broke the kiss. he slid his tongue in my mouth. We wrestled our tongues against each other's. I bit his lip and tugged a little. I planted kisses down his neck, I stopped at his collarbone where I bit it slightly giving him a small hicky. He quietly moaned and I smiled against his neck then kissed him on the lips passionately. Zac sat up with me on his lap, he grabbed my ass as he kissed down my neck. I tilted my head back to give access. We continued like this for a few
more minutes then he worked his way back up to my lips.
I woke up with a major headache. I slowly opened my eyes and next to me was naked Zac. Fuck..fuck,fuck,fuck. I slowly looked at my phone 11:30am. I was almost naked but I was only wearing a big t-shirt. I moved Zac's heavy arm off me again. He mumbled in his sleep I quickly got up and quietly walked out of his room, I saw Zander and Avery sleeping on Zander's futon, they were dressed. I poked Avery's arm and she opened her eyes and looked at me. She yawned "what I'm tired." She whispered. "I think I slept with Zac" I whispered and she shot right up and grabbed my arm taking me to our apartment.

"What do you mean you think you slept with Zac" Avery said shutting the door sitting next to me on my bed.

"Well I remember we were really sexual at the club but this morning I woke up like this" I said pointing to the shirt I was still wearing. "And Zac was naked"

"Omg did he look hot" Avery said excitedly.

"...goddamn I forgot to look because I was so nervous that I sleep with him" I said upset. "But anyway I don't feel like I slept with him"

"Well if you did..would it be a big deal?" Avery asked "I mean it seems like you guys like each other"

"Ave, I can't like Zac, I'm gonna be 20 years old, I need someone who is husband material, I want to be married at at least 25, I need husband material and that's not Zac...even if I do like Zac.. no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it, sometimes we don't get the happy ending that we think we want..."

"That was deep" Avery laughed. "Ave I'm serious" I smiled and shook my head. "So you do like him" she said.

"No I don't like him, he's an asshole" I crossed my arms.

"Who are you trying to convince? Because I already know he's an ass...but he's not an ass to you scar" Avery said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up" I blushed. "I'll talk to Zac later and see if we did anything..but what about you and Zander?"

"Were taking it slow I guess...he is looking for someone to settle down with I think" she made a weird face.

"Avery you are not trying settle down anytime soon" I laughed.

"I know but I really like him I just want to have fun" she groaned.

"Boys" I rolled my eyes and she nodded.

"Didn't you have work today at the coffee shop" Avery asked.

"No Mandi had to go to Hawaii for her sisters wedding and Copper couldn't come in so they didn't open today" I yawned.

"Alright I'm going back to sleep" Avery said laying down closing her eyes.

I sighed "me too and when I wake up I'm gonna have to talk to Zac"
"So last night" I said sitting on my kitchen counter drinking coffee, Zac was across from me leaning against the refrigerator sipping his coffee.

"What about it" he shrugged.

"Well did we fuck?" I just blurted out annoyed.

Zac laughed. "Yeah so what"

"We did!" I groaned and sipped more coffee. "Why would you do that to me Zac, what the fuck, I know you weren't that drunk."

"Well you were fucking begging me and you were all over me and pretty damn hot so we fucked." He said like it was no big deal.

"I mean obviously I should have known that you wouldn't be the gentleman to not take advantage of me" I rolled my eyes which made my headache worse.

"I mean your exact words were take advantage of me so that's what I did" he drank what was left of his coffee then walked up to me and put his body between my legs. "Listen Scar it was a one night thing and no big deal so forget it happened"

"Fine" I sighed. "Just I don't need you in between my legs again sooo" I pushed him back and he laughed.

"See you later newbie" he winked and left the apartment. Avery ran out of her room obviously eavesdropping.

"You guys are so gonna be friends with benefits" she said taking my coffee and drinking some.

"No way, he's that kind of guy that puts you in the mind set where he makes you believe he's different but ends up being exactly who he promised he wouldn't be" I shook my head.

"Talk to him Scar, find out why he's like this, dig" Avery said to me finishing my coffee.

"I guess" I shrugged
"Braid trains are so dumb like why are they a thing" Zoe said braiding Avery's hair while Avery braided mine.

"Says the one who started this braid train" Avery laughed.

I laughed "so Zoe maybe you can help me out. Why is Zac the way he is"

She sighed "I don't know...he has trust issues and doesn't like getting to close to people. He thinks being a dick will help him by everyone disliking him so it would be easier for him to not get close to anyone."

I slightly shook my head "I need to know why"

"Why don't you ask him" Zoe said. "No Zoe it's fine I--" I was cut off "ZACHAAARRYY!!" Zoe yelled.

Avery started laughing "were so gonna get kicked out of this apartment"

A few seconds later Zac came running into the apartment with Zander. "What's wrong?!" Zac said worried.

"Nothing we just wanted to talk to you." Zoe shrugged finishing Avery's hair.

"Damn it Zoe you gave us a heart attack." Zander said upset.

"Um Zan who even invited you" Zoe said and I laughed, Avery finished my hair and ran up to Zander and kissed him.

"So why am I here?" Zac said annoyed.

"Scar wants to know why your such a dick" Zoe said simply.

"No! What she means is why are you so rude to everyone you you can never let anyone in." I said looking at Zac.

"What the hell is this a freaking intervention? I'm out of here" Zac shook his head and walked out.

"Zac" I said and followed him out into his apartment.

"Maybe you should just mind your own business Scarlet" Zac said storming into his apartment.

"I just want to know why you can't trust people and let them in Zac!" I said annoyed at this point.

"Why do have to know so bad" he looked at me.

"Because I want to, because I care, I don't want to care but I do.." I said "why are you getting defensive"

"fine Scar you wanna know why...I have trust issues. but when you give someone everything, and they toss you away like you were nothing, it breaks you, it pains you, and pain changes people." He said, his hands were clenched into fists. I stepped closer to him.

"You aren't broken Zac" I said shaking my head.

"Yes I am"

"Then I'll put you back together." I said and he unclenched his fists.
"Scarlet...I don't need you" Zac said.

"What" I said taking a step back

"I don't need you! So just leave me the hell alone" he said.

I was pissed, how could he say that, after everything, so I left.

Hello! Author here, sorry this chapter felt a little short, I try to make all my chapters over 1000 words this one was around 1340 words. But anyway the next chapter is going to be Scarlets point of view and Zac's point of view, so enjoy!<3

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