Chapter2: Nicknames are the Worst

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"So you guys know each other from work" Zoe said after we explained why Zac called me "newbie."

"Yep but only from the coffee shop which I only work at on Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's so I won't have to see him everyday" I laughed and so did Zoe and Zander.

"I work at the business "N and E" uptown during the week as a receptionist" I say.

"That's near our old high school" Zac said shoveling mashed potatoes in his mouth.

"Zac you're gross" Zoe said looking at him disgusted.

Zander shook his head then looked at Avery "so what about you?" He asked her.

"I work at Manhattan Mall in the PINK store." She shrugged and Zoe squealed.

"I LOVE that store" she said excitedly.

"Chill weirdo" Zac said and I smiled at him then quickly wiped it away when he caught me.

"I work at that mall in the Apple Store" Zander said and smiled at her "maybe I can visit you during my lunch break"

She nodded and pressed her lips against each other which she does when she's excited by trying to hide it.

I smiled at her then turned to Zoe "what about you?" I asked.

"Well I took a year off then I'm going to NYU" she smiled "But I'm gonna live at home I think." She nodded.

Zac groaned "great" he rolled his eyes then went on his phone and Zoe smacked him on the shoulder.

I looked at my phone and got a call from my mom. "Excuse me" I got up and went into the hall and answered a FaceTime.

"Hi buggy" my mom said when I answered the phone. "Hey mom" I smiled and my dad and Ben got on the phone.

"Hi bug" my dad said. "Benny" I said and my brother rolled his eyes "don't call me that" my brother just turned 10 and thought since he was double digits he was to old for nicknames.

"How's New York" my dad said. "It's good, me and Avery are at our new neighbors house for dinner their really nice." Well at least two of them are.

"That's good bug, ok we just wanted to say hi and we love you" my mom said.

"Okay love you guys too, bye" I hung up and was about to go back inside but Zac came out.

"What's up buggy" he laughed and put his other arm in his jacket sleeve and I rolled my eyes. "Don't call me that"

"I don't know I like it" he smiled.

"Where you going" I said watching him walk down the hall.

"I don't know, wanna come?" He asked me.

"No way I don't know you enough" I smiled and shook my head.

"Do you want to know me" he smiled and extended his arm out.

I thought about it for a second. "Well as much as I would love to, and as much as I don't want to hurt your feelings and reject you but I can't leave Avery"

"Suit your self" he shrugged and waited for the elevator "later bug" he walked into the elevator.

I laughed and walked back into the apartment.

About a hour later we said good bye to Zander and Zoe.

"Sorry Zac left early he gets bored quick, he's kinda a dick head" Zoe said as we stood outside my apartment.

"Heard that you bitch" Zac said walking out of the stairs. "Elevator was taking to long"

He yawned "good night, Addy"

"It's Avery, dick" Zander said.

"Yeah I know" Zac laughed.

"Night, Newbie see you tomorrow" he winked at me and went in the apartment.

Me and Avery went inside. I got in my pajamas and went into Avery's room. Her lights were off but her TV was on I got under her covers.

"So Zander" I said laying next to her.

She looked at me and smiled "he's so cute and when he told me he wanted to visit me at work I almost died"

"I know I saw you" I laughed.

"So you were right Zac is hot but he's a dick" she laughed.

"See I'm always right." I sighed.

"Night" she yawned.

"Night..wait did you fill up the car with gas" I asked.

"Yes" she laughed and shook her head.
"I got it" I said holding the cup.

"No you don't" Zac said watching me make the double chocolate mint latte.

"Shut up" I said finishing it off putting the lid on. "Done" I said proudly handing it to him.

He took a sip and made a weird face "not bad newbie but it taste less like Mint and more like windex" he laughed.

"What, no it does not" I took it back from him and took a sip and made the same face as him. "Crap" I laughed and poured the drink out in the sink. Me and Zac got to the shop at 7:30 to practice drinks.

"It's ok try again" he said. We put the cup back under the machine, Zac wrapped his body around me and his arms and hands on top of mind directing me.

"Ok hand me a lid" I asked and he handed me one. "Okay try it" I turned around to face him and handed him the drink with his arms still around me he took a sip.

"Good job, bug" he laughed and I took the drink from him and sipped it and it was good. "But don't screw up when there are customers"

"WOO HOO" I hugged him. "Finally" I laughed and the door opened I looked at the time and it was 8:00.

"No making out behind the counter" Mandi said as she walked in.

"She wishes" Zac said.

"Wow Zac how big really IS your ego" I said shaking my head.

"I can show you something bigger then my ego later" he winked and I shook my head.

About a half hour later costumers came in.

"Scar can you make 2 medium coffee's there's a lot of customers." Zac said to me as he was trying to handle the cash register.

I went over to the coffee machine and made two medium coffees while Mandi made the more complicated drinks. I helped as much as I could making simple drinks and getting pastries.

We were aloud to go home at 4:30 because it was really slow after 3:00 and no one had come in for a while. I walked outside with Zac and it started raining pretty hard.

"You want a ride?" I asked Zac knowing that he took the bus.

"Yep but I'm driving" he said snatching my keys. I should have known he wouldn't even refuse the first time just for common curtesy.

"No way it's my car" I pouted.

"You probably suck at driving, plus I want to show you some cool places around here." He said swinging the keys around his finger.

"Fine" I groaned. "Just don't be kidnapping me."

"Don't get your hopes up Bug" he laughed as he got into the car.

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