Chapter 11- new newbie

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It was about 5:30pm Mandi was in the back room counting the money and me and Zac were cleaning up front. Zac was mopping the floors while I was wiping the counter and the coffee machines. It was awkward between me and Zac all day. He never talked to me once or looked in my direction. How could he do this to me. Tell me he loves me then ignores me. What a dick.

I couldn't take it anymore "Zac I need to talk to you" I said and he ignored me "Zac......Zac the least you can do is talk to me after what happened-" I was cut off.

"I said I was sorry a thousand times Scarlet!" Zac turned to me but didn't look at my face.

"I know... I got you talking though" I shrugged. "Why won't you talk to me tell me you love me and you completely ignore me."

"Scar I'm no good for you, I care to much about you to be with you. I'll hurt you, I already did hurt you and I don't want to do it again so I can't talk to you or look at you or touch you... and every time I look at you I just want you, I want all of you, forever.... but I also remember that I hurt you Scarlet and I can't do it. It hurts to much." He said to me in the most saddest voice ever.

"Zac, you said that you loved me and you stopped talking to me and that hurts." I said throwing the rag into the sink in anger.

"Love" he said. "What?" I asked confused. "You said I loved you...I love you.. still do" he said to me looking at me for the first time since this conversation started.

"Zac-" I was cut off by Mandi walking out.

"Okay guys here's your pay checks from last week, and tomorrow we will have a new worker here, her name is Alyssa and Scarlet will be training her." Mandi said handing us envelopes with money in them.

"Oh me? Um ok" I said nervously never training anyone before.

"But of course Zac will help you if you need it right Zac?" Mandi said turning to Zac.

He looked at Mandi "sure if this Alyssa girl is hot" he shrugged and I looked at him hurt, he's such a bipolar, arrogant, asshole. I scoffed and went into the back room. I felt Zac's gaze on me.

"Okay I'll be here by 8 goodnight" I said to Mandi annoyed and left.

I got home around 6:15ish I walked in and slammed the door shut. Avery and Zander were eating pasta. "Hey Scar I made dinner" Avery said. "Not hungry!" I yelled and went into my room and slammed the door.

I put on my love playlist and the first song that came on was hate you love you by gnash. I got changed into my pajama shorts and a sweater. "FRIENDS CAN BREAK YOUR HEART TO! IM ALWAYS TIRED BUT NEVER OF YOU" I sang the song pretty goddamn loud with the music on full blast.

I heard a loud knock on my door "go away Avery! I need to be alone" I said loud over my music.

"It's not Avery" Zander opened my door and I looked at him confused. Me and Zander weren't always the closest so this was weird. I paused my music. "Uh what's up Zan"

He came in and sat on my bay window, "can we talk about Zac?" He asked.

"Oh great my favorite subject" I said sarcastically.

"I know" Zander laughed "but really I just want to say this... Zac is unbelievably stupid." He said and I laughed and nodded my head "but this is why, he says he loves you but to protect you he shouldn't be staying away from you, he should be with you to protect you. He just doesn't know how to care for people so he thinks the only way to care for you and keep you safe is for him not to be around you which is so fucking dumb" Zander shook his head.

"Zander I know all of this I'm not the one you should be telling this to" I laughed.

"I know and I am going to tell Zac when I go home but I just wanted you to know that I am rooting for you" he laughed "he needs you Scar, you guys are good for each other" he nodded.

"Thanks Zander" i smiled. "No problem" he got up "okay let me go yell at Zac now" he said.

I laughed "later" I smiled and he walked out of the room. I guess Zander made me feel a little better about everything. I don't know if it would work with him talking to Zac but I was hoping. That night Avery slept in my room. We watched 13 reasons why and feel asleep around 12:30pm. I woke up with Zac sitting on my bed in front of me with a cocoanut mocha macchiato ice coffee which is my favorite drink from Starbucks and strawberry pancakes. I opened my eyes and looked at him confused. "Zac?"

"Um hi bug" he kinda smiled. "I just wanna say sorry and I am being a dick and I do want to be with you and I know I did a terrible thing to you-" I cut him off.

"Zac, you can't just walk in here with a peace offering and call your self a dick and say oops sorry and expect me to be here and be with you" I said shaking my head. "I need time to trust's my turn to learn how to trust you because your so bipolar like one moment you love me and the next I don't know what anymore"

He nodded "I'll give you time because I want to do this right if you give me the chance" he half smiled at me "night bug" he turned around and started walking out.

"Wait!" I said and he stopped and looked at me. "Give me the Starbucks" I smiled and extended my hand. He laughed and handed it to me then left.
"So since we are getting someone new you have to stop calling me newbie because now she's the newbie" I said to Zac as we set up the shop.

"No way you're my one and only newbie and you'll always be my favorite newbie" Zac stated while smiling.

"Well I'm gonna call her newbie so you'll stop calling me that" I smiled then raised my eyebrows.

He smiled then bit his bottom lip "we'll see about that newbie" he winked at me.

I looked at the door as a beautiful girl walked in. Her hair was long which stopped at her butt and was ombre. She had tan skin and hazel eyes. She walked up to me "hey I'm Alyssa and you must be Scarlet my new trainer." She smiled.

I gave her a half smile "and I guess your my trainee" talking not as cheerful as she did.

She laughed "I guess so"

I smiled "well come on let's start with a simple coffee...newbie" she laughed at my nickname and I looked at Zac who was smiling slightly at me crossing his arms and shaking his head.

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