Chapter 9- shit to the fan

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I was sitting in the office with Christopher. There was no one else there except for a security guard. Everyone left because it was 10:00pm me and Chris were finishing up the last of our paper work for the day.

Me and him were bored so while we were finishing we started playing smash or pass.

"Leonardo DiCaprio" Chris said after thinking.

"Young Leo or Leo now?" I asked.

"Young Duh" he laughed.

"Hard smash" I laughed.

"Ariana grande" I said to him.

"No pass" he shook his head.

"Really why" I asked shocked.

"I don't know, there just something I don't like about her." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't get a good vibe off of her"

"So you get vibes off of people?" I asked laughing.

"Yea, there pretty I get a really good vibe off of you Scar" he smiled down at his papers.

I laughed and shook my head. "Listen Scar...I know we just met and we're working together but what are the chances of you saying yes to going to dinner with a date." He said

I was shocked for a second but then I smiled. "Well, your hot, funny, nice, and I haven't gone on a date in 2 years and we're both young so I'm gonna say yes" I smiled.

"Perfect, how's Friday night" he smiled.

"Perfect" I said packing my things. We got down stairs and went outside. "See you tomorrow" he winked at me and left.

I rushed home...well to Zac's place. I barged right in and plopped on the couch and called Avery right away.

"Well hi to you too" Zac said in the kitchen eating cereal.

"AVREY MARIE RENINGS YOUR BEST FREIND HAS A DATE" I screamed as soon as she answered.

"What!" Zac said behind me but I ignored him and told Avery all about it. She gets home tomorrow so I saved some details. After I hung up I went to the kitchen and got cereal. Zac was giving me a glare. "What" I said pouring cereal.

"Nothing" he said coldly "so you have a date?"

"Yep he's sexy and a gentleman" nodded. "Take notes"

He rolled his eyes. "Good night" he sighed and went to his room.

"Aw is someone jealous" I said teasing him.

"I said goodnight!" Zac said and shut his bedroom door.
"Scarlet Holmes, my best friend, a fucking goddess!" Avery said looking at me after She finished my hair and makeup.

I was wearing a short long sleeved gray dress and ankle boot heels. My hair was in loose curls. I will admit I was looking pretty damn cute.

Me and Avery had a little Snapchat session in the living room taking pictures of me. Zac barged in eating some McDonalds "yo Mandi said--" he was cut off when he looked up from his McDonald bag. "Damn" he said quietly but I heard it.

"Stop starring" I said and he shook his head. "You don't even have to show cleavage and you can still look hot" he said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes "so where are you going?" He said shoving a fry in his mouth.

"Oh just the date I have been talking about the entire week" I said shaking my head at him.

"Oh yea,, with Christopher" he rolled his eyes and said Christopher in a high mimicking voice.

"Is someone jealous" Avery said to Zac. "I'm not jealous Ally, I just think Scar can do better." He shrugged.

"First of all ITS AVERY! Second you never even met Chris, third of all I can go on dates with whoever I want, 4th of all your opinion doesn't matter to me, and lastly... is your idea of better then Chris you?" I stepped closer to him every time I listed something up until I was against his chest.

"Whatever Scarlet have fun on your date" he rolled his eyes and left.

"What's wrong with him" I said to Avery "I'm going"

"Have fun girl" Avery said smiling as I walked out.

I closed the door and went downstairs to wait for Chris. I decided to wait outside, I looked at my left and saw Zac leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette, looking at me.

"What Zac" I said annoyed "why are you always interfering with everything in my life, like come fucking on" I started to get mad.

I didn't know what he was going to say, I mean I was pretty rude, but the thing he said I wasn't expecting at all..."Number 2" Zac said referencing to the 3 things he wanted me to remember "I'll wait" He said to me sincerely, I looked at him about to say something else but Chris pulled up in his car, he got out and walked up to me.

"Hey, you look amazing" he smiled at me, I realized I was starring at Zac after he smirked at me, I shook my head out of my trance and looked at Chris "thank you" I smiled.

We walked to the car, Chris opened the door for me but before I got in Zac said "take care of my girl, bring her back before 10:30" he blew out smoke. "Shut up Zachary" I shook my head and got in the car and I saw Zac smiling.

As soon as we got to the restaurant we sat down. "Two waters please" Chris said to the waiter. "So that guy outside your place?" He said.

"Zac?" I kinda laughed. "Dickhead" I shook my head. "Seems like he cares a lot about you" Chris said smiling. "Yea I's complicated with him..but no more Zac talk.....tell me about you" I smiled

"Well there's not much to tell...I am your normal mediocre guy" he shrugged.

"Ya know Chris.. tip for dating girls...try not to make your self seem boring." I laughed and his face got red. "Listen I know there's some cool amazing thing your hiding, so what is it?"

He just shrugged and damn was he right! He was honestly the most boring person ever. I mean how can someone so hot be so boring. After the date I was planning on taking a separate uber home. Chris got in his car and left me alone...real nice. I was waiting for my uber for almost a hour, I looked at my phone and it said my uber was here but it wasn't. I couldn't find it anywhere. I called Avery to ask her to pick me up but she didn't answer..she was probably sleeping it was 11:00pm. I decided to call Zac. "I'm trying to sleep Scar" Zac said answering the phone in a tired voice.

"Sorry but I need a ride home" I said yawning. I heard him sigh "on my way" he hung up. About 10 minutes later Zac pulled up and I got in. "What happened to Chris" Zac said as I got in the car.

"He left" I rolled my eyes. "He really didn't drive you home of at least wait with you for your uber, what a fucking dickhead" Zac said and clenched the wheel tightly.

"Zac it's fine" I shook my head. "You deserve better than him like why are you even dating him." Zac said starting to go on a rant while driving home.

"Zac I'm not dating Chris it was one date, one to many" I said looking at Zac, his mad look turned into a smile and he kinda laughed. "How bad was it" he asked.

"He started talking about his moms fruit cake" I cringed and we laughed. "Are you laughing at my dating failure" I smiled at him.

"I mean it is funny" he laughed and I slapped his arm. "Hey!" He laughed and pushed my leg, he looked at me and laughed. I looked in his eyes smiling and he looked back in mine. He looked at my lips and our smiles slowly faded away. He leaned in...


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