Chapter 10- I love you and love you have 2 different meanings

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It happened fast.

I saw bright lights out of the corner of my eye, I heard a loud screeching noise.

It felt like I was drowning, like there was no way out. I felt like I was losing everything, this was it.

Next thing I know I'm in an ambulance.

"Her eyes are opened!"
"Miss can you hear me! What's your name?" Someone said to me.

"W-where is Zac" I said weakly and started coughing.

"He's in the other ambulance, you were in a car crash. What is your name miss" they said to me.

Everything went white and I closed my eyes again. "She's crashing!" The person yelled. "Charge to 300! CLEAR..."

"Her heart is hemorrhaging" I heard a doctor yell. There were many other doctors around me.

"WHERE IS SHE!" I heard someone that sounded like Avery. "SCARLET" I felt her hand holding mine. "Miss you can't be in here we're working" someone said

"No she's my best friend please!" I heard her sounding like she was crying.

"She's coding!" Someone yelled. "Get the crash cart!"

Avreys POV

The doctors forced me out of the room. I started crying, I saw Zander being pushed out of the other room, he was crying he came up to me and hugged me.

A few seconds later they rolled Zac out of the room and to the elevator. "what's going on!" Zander yelled. One of the doctors turned to us "were taking him to surgery he has internal bleeding in his abdomen, someone will come out and let you know more." They got in the elevator. Zac looked bad there were cuts and blood everywhere on him.

Next Scar came out. She looked bad. They took her to elevator. "Her heart is hemorrhaging which means a blood vessel in her heart ruptured and her heart is swelling up with blood. She hit her chest against the dashboard pretty hard, her air bag didn't go off, we have to take her to surgery now" they all ran into the elevator.

Me and Zander went into the waiting room. A few hours later they told us Zac was out. We went to see him and he was still sleeping. Their moms and dads couldn't come in because they were far and no flights had any opened seats.

I was sitting on one side of Zac looking at him and Zander was on the other side holding his hand. "He was driving Zander, i need to know what happened." I said angrily. "Stop it Avery" Zander said sternly.

Zac began to wake up. "Zac" we stood up. "What happened" he said tiredly. "You were in a car accident with Scarlet" Zander said calmly. "What! Is she okay" Zac said and sat up starting to coughing a lot and stopped breathing. "NURSE" I yelled out of the room and a few nurses and his doctor ran in.

"Get them out of here" the doctor yelled as he pressed against his chest. A nurse pushed me and Zander out of the room. I hugged him as he cried in my shoulder.

"Excuse me" a doctor came to us "You can see Scarlet now she's awake"

I ran into the room with Zander. "Scarlet" I held her hand. "Hey Ave" she said softly. "How you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I got hit by a car" she smiled. I shook my head.

"How's Zac" she asked me. "He's out of surgery. Not good" Zander said walking up to her "What's happened?"

"All I remember is...we were about to kiss and I saw a car coming and that's it" a tear fell down her cheek "it happened out of nowhere."

"It's okay Scar, calm now. Everyone's okay" I held her hand and smiled.

About 2 hours later Zac was feeling little better. He wanted to see Scar so the doctors let me take a wheel chair to Scars room. Zander was with him and I was with Scar. We were talking about all the hot doctors when they came in.

"Scarlet" Zac said and a tear came down his cheek when he saw her. "Hey Zac" she said quietly, smiling.

"Can you guys give us a second?" Zac asked and me and Zander left the room.

Zac's POV.

"Im so sorry" I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry I did this to you, I'm bad for you, I can't forgive my self so I get it if you don't forgive me--" she cut me off.

"Zac stop, I'm okay, see" she smiled. "We are both okay and I do forgive you, it's not your fault."

I shook my head and a tear fell down her cheek and I wiped it away "I'm so sorry"
Scarlet's POV

About a week later it was my last day in the hospital. Zac was let out 2 days before me. Zoe and Avery visited me everyday. Mandi and Cooper visited me once and so did Chris. Angelina gave Chris a card to give to me on her behalf. Zac was with me all day everyday. But he would never touch me or kiss me, not even hold my hand. I was packing some stuff and I saw on the bed looking at Zac. He smiled at me. "For someone laying in the hospital for 7 days you look hot." He said to me and I laughed.

"This scar isn't hot" I said and took off my undershirt showing him a 6 inch scar on my chest.

He got up and stood in front of me. "Im sorry"

I put my hands on his cheeks "stop apologizing Zac" I shook my head smiling.

He took my wrists and gently put them down. "I can't touch you Scar, I can't be with you" he handed me my shirt. "I'm scared I'm gonna hurt you again" he was serious.

"Zac it's not your fault-" he cut me off "yes it is Scar I was driving, I wasn't looking were I was going. I did this to you" he said.

"Zac" I said quietly and he shook his head and started walking to the door. "I can't do this with you anymore Scar, I told you I'm not good for you" he opened the door.

"Zac" I said "why are you doing this, your not bad for me, it's not your fault"

He was silent for a second and without turning around he said "I'm doing this for a reason.." he sighed.

"Number 3... I love you" he waited for a second and left.

I just starred at the door in shock. Avery walked in. "Scar, what happened Zac just walked out of here crying..he completely ignored me" Avery said to me. "Zac just told me he loved me" I said shocked starring at the door still. "What?!" Avery said as Zoe walked in. "What?" Zoe said confused and looked between me and Avery.
It's been 2 weeks since the accident.

1 week since I got home...

1 week since Zac told me he loved me.

1 week since Zac talked to me at all

I needed him but he wasn't here. He couldn't talk to me because he loved me...I wanted him to let me just love him too.

Today was Friday my first day back to the coffee shop. "Hey Scarlet how have you been?" Mandi asked me as I took my sweatshirt off hanging it up. "Pretty good" I smiled.

I walked behind the front desk and saw Zac. He looked at me and I smiled at him, he looked away from me upset. I sighed and looked at the front door as someone walked in.

"What can I get for you?" Zac said. I missed his voice but this wasn't Zac's voice, it was sad and different, I didn't like it... I missed him. He looked different, he looked sad, his hair was messy unlike usual when his hair is perfectly styled. His face was pale but his cheeks were rosy red. His bright eyes were now dark and the shine wasn't in them anymore. I couldn't see him like this. It hurt me to much.

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