Chapter 17- cornrows

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It was Saturday so the shop opened up at 1:00 today. I woke up cuddling on Zac. I slowly moved out of his hold and looked at my phone. It was only 10:00, I got a text from Cole asking me if I wanted to hang out, I didn't respond. I felt movement on the bed to I looked at Zac who stretched slowly waking up. He looked at me and pulled me close to him. He pulled me on top of him so I sat on his lower stomach looking down at him. "Good morning" I smiled and started to put my messy hair in two cornrows. (Picture at beginning)

"Good morning sexy" he said in a sexy raspy morning voice. I bit my lip at his voice by accident and he smirked at me "wanna have shower sex?" He asked me.

I shook my head smiling "as much as that's on my" I laughed and my phone buzzed. Zac reached for it to give it to me and glanced at the text on my screen. It was from Cole. *i really like you Scarlet, maybe we can start something real if you would like. It's fine if not, see you at work :) -Cole*

He read the text and looked at me "it's your boyfriend" he kinda pushed me off of him and got up.

"Zac he's not my boyfriend" I said.

"It looks like he might be soon" Zac said pointing to my phone.

"I don't even know if I like Cole like that" I said angry.

"I hate this so much scarlet!" Zac raised his voice a little which made me silent.

"You are mine! I may not have asked you out yet but I feel like your mine, the way we are around each other, the way you make me feel, they way every time I see you I feel like I need to kiss you, how I want to protect you from everything, how I just want to be around you so I know your safe. It scares me when your with someone else Scar! I feel like if you are with them more than me then you will fall for them and I love you! I love you more then anyone! If you ever hurt me I would take you back because I love you! I FUCKING NEED YOU SCARLET" Zac was yelling, he was really angry.

I looked up at him, I was sitting in the middle of the bed and he was standing at the edge. I crawled over to him on the bed and stood on my knees while on the bed. I pulled him down to me by his shirt. His face was close to mine. "I like it when you yell at me" I said quietly and kissed him slowly and full of lust. He kissed me back and grabbed the back of my thigh under my ass. I silently moaned against his lips. I pulled away and got up. I grabbed his hand and took him into the bathroom. I turned the shower on. I took off my shirt and lace underwear and took off Zac's clothes. I kissed his lips softly then got in the shower with him. I stood under the hot water and he looked at me leaning against the shower wall.

"You're so hot" he said crossing his arms.

I smiled "friends with benefits?" I said.

"What" he asked me confused.

"We are gonna be friends with benefits. No dating other people. It's like we are dating but we actually aren't." I said washing the soap off my body.

"Ok" Zac smiled. I finished getting washed then kissed Zac slowly. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. "No more dates with Cole" he said before he kiss me and closed the shower curtain.

"No Cole" I smiled and walk to Zac's room. I put on my uniform from yesterday which Zac still had and sat on Zac's bed.
So I texted Cole...
*hey, look I think we are good friends. But I don't think we are meant to date, even though I had fun with you it's just feels like we are friends. I hope you are okay with this I am so sorry -Scarlet*
2 minutes later
* It's fine Scar, I would love to stay friends. And don't worry you and Zac are meant to be together ;) -Cole*
I smiled and put my phone away.

(This chapter was so short I know, it just all came to me in this moment and I had to write it so I am posting it..I hope you guys like it, don't worry chapters will become longer...comment some ideas you would like to see happen <3)

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