Chapter 3- you cant bullshit a bullshitter

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"Zac slow down!" I yelled as he sped down the street.

"I'm only going 35" he said calmly.

"Yeah and the speed limit is 20" I screamed as we came to a sudden stop.

"And you said I couldn't drive" I slapped his shoulder.

"Chill we're here" he rolled his eyes and got out of the car, at this point it stopped raining.

I got out and went next to him. "Boat ride to the Statue of Liberty, your basic New York tourist attraction." He smiled.

"But I promised Avery I would see this with her" I sighed.

"You live in New York now you can see it whenever you want" he says. "Plus I would have taken you to Times Square but don't kill me but I hate it there. I mean grown men dressed in Elmo costumes, come on"

I laughed and shook my head "fine let's go" we started walking to the boat.

"Do you get sea sick" he said and I walked up to the railing of the boat and looked at the water "nope" I felt hands on my waist and I smiled until those hands tried to push me over the railing.

"ZAC!" I turned around and punched his arm.

"Chill I wasn't really gonna let you fall" he said laughing.

I went over to a seat and sat down as we started moving. A few minutes after Zac came over to me and showed me his hands with numbers written on it. "Boom! two hot twins just gave me their numbers."

I laughed. "Really Zac, do you really believe that their numbers actually start with 123" I said looking at the obviously fake numbers on his hand.

"Damn it" he said trying to wipe it off as the twins passed by us. "Ha lady's I know it's fake! You can't bullshit a bullshitter"

I shook my head laughing at him. "Come on Zac you're smarter than that."

We stayed on the boat and I took some pictures of the Statue of Liberty and obviously put that shit on Snapchat. We got off to boat at around 6:00.

"Wanna get something to eat" Zac said.

I looked at my phone and texted Avery telling her what I was doing. "Yea I guess"

"Come on we're going to Chick-fil-a." He said running to the car and I laughed at how excited he was to eat.
"Okay, Coke or Pepsi" Zac said shoving a fry in his mouth.

"Is there honestly a difference" I laughed and took a bite of my chicken nuggets.

"Well not really but if you had to pick to save your life which one?" He asked me.

"Fine, Pepsi I guess" I shrugged and ate a fry.

"Predictable" he shook his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked offended.

"It means.." he threw a fry at me "your predictable".

I threw a nugget at him.

"See I know you were gonna go bigger..predictable." He said and threw another fry at me.

"You know, I would throw another one at you but I like food and I'm not trying to waste anymore." I laughed and ate another nugget.

"So tomorrow your starting at your new job, you ready?" He asked me.

"Wow are you seriously interested?" I asked surprised

"Yes Scar don't sound to shocked" he sipped his drink.

I laughed. "I mean how hard could it be..getting coffee, answering phone calls, doing other people's paperwork" I shrugged.

"I just work at the coffee shop everyday" he nodded.

"Doesn't it get boring?" I asked "you said you have been working there since you were 16."

"Yea will the pay is good enough and it's easy" he said "plus I don't really dig change"

"Why not" I asked "some times change is good"

"Well if things are good now and something changes and things go's changes fault" he shrugged and I smiled at him.

"Okay you ready?" I asked getting up and he nodded. "I'm fucking driving" I snatched the keys and ran to the car.
"YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH HIM!" Avery yelled.

"It wasn't a date and be quiet he's right across the hall.." I said putting my Pj's on.

There was a knock on the door and I sat on the couch because Avery always answers the door because she's a people person.

"Zac?" She said and he walked in "what's up Amy" he smiled.

"It's Avery jerk" I said as he walked over to the couch

"So I came over because I heard you talking about me" he said and took the chip out of my hand that I was about to put in my mouth and ate it.

I shot Avery a glare. "We weren't talking about you Zac, don't get your hopes up."

"Oh yea then who were you talking about" he said and sat next to me. "Nice pajamas by the way he said looking at me in my neon pink sports bra and gray sweatpants.

"Creep, we were talking about Zander, he's hot" I said easily and Avery laughed. "Hot is an understatement" she said sitting on the other side of me on the couch.

"Weirdos" he said under his breath and went for another chip but I smacked his hand away "who invited you in here get out"

"Whatever" he said and got up but before he left he grabbed the bag of chips and ran into his apartment.

"Such an ass" I said and Avery laughed.
I woke up at 6:00am and took a quick shower then got dressed in a black long sleeved tight sweater and a black pencil skirt with black flats. I straightened my hair and put on makeup and got some coffee then went to my car. It was 6:45 which meant 45 minutes to get to my first day of work at N and E. I got to work by 7:20am.

I went to the front desk and talked to the lady with extremely curly black hair.

"Hi excuse me I'm here for the receptionist job" I said proudly.

"Name" she said and yawned.

"Um.. Scarlet Holmes?" I said less excited them before.

She typed on the computer for a while.

"Here's your key to your desk drawers go to floor 8 then ask for "Angelina Okla."

I took the key "thanks" I went on the elevator and pressed the 8th floor. There were many different people on the elevator it was intimidating. I got off the elevator and walked in to a big office with many desks all around, one big desk in the front, and a big room with cloudy doors so you couldn't see inside. I went to the big desk and and asked for Angelina.

"Oh that's me, you must be Scarlet, 19 years old, my new receptionist." She smiled at me she had bright red
lipstick and short black hair she looked about 40 years old.

"Your desk is right over there" she pointed to the small desk closest to the elevator and closest to the big desk. "If you need me email me but if it's very important and can't wait page me on the loud speaker. I won't always be behind this desk, I will need you a lot so I will always be paging you or emailing you" she talked fast and gave me a lot of information because she was a busy person. "I have a meeting I will be back in an hour and your first tasks will start." She got up and went to the elevator.  "Welcome" she smiled at me.

"Thank you" I said before the elevator doors closed. I took a deep breath and went to my desk and put my stuff down.

I sighed and started setting up my things.

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