Chapter 18- travelers

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About a week later me, Zac, Avery, Zander, Zoe, and Zoe's new "friend" Nate were at lunch. Of course the entire time Zac was glaring at Nate and scaring the poor boy.

"So you two met where?" Avery asked eating her salad.

"Well we had 2 classes together since the beginning of the year so we have been friends since then" Zoe shrugged.

"And this is the first time we are hearing about your friend" Zac said aggressive.

"Well she probably didn't want to talk about him because you're over protective" I said smiling sipping my iced tea.

"So he's a boy he is a horny boy all boys want is sex" Zac said "I should know"

"Oh shit" Zoe said quietly

"Damn it Zac why'd you have to say it" Zander said

"Yikes" Nate said

"I feel a storm coming on your ass Zachary" Avery said

I looked at Zac "all you want is sex huh?"

"I mean-- I mean like because I know what boys want" Zac said stuttering.

"Well I guess your right Zac" I turned back sitting forward crossing my arms "I guess you should watch our Zoe because I guess boys can't have feelings" Zac slapped himself in the forehead "asshole" I mumbled.

"Okay...awkward....anyway" Avery said "me and Zander have been planning a surprise for all of us"

Zoe clapped excitedly "chill Zo" Zac said.

"All of us are going to Hawaii!" Avery said.

"When!" Me and Zoe asked at the same time.

"This Friday" Zander said.

"Three days?! That means I only have 2 days to pack!!" Zoe said frantically.

"And Zoe don't worry we got an extra ticket for one of your friends because we figured that if I have Avery and Zac and Scar have each other you should bring a friend." Zander said to Zoe.

"Me and Zac? Pfft" I rolled my eyes.

"Can I bring Nate please?" Zoe asked Zander.

"No way you guys aren't sharing a hotel room" Zac said suddenly.

"Zac look, I promise I will respect your sister all the time. I will not be inappropriate to her in anyway, we are just friends and I promise you that" Nate said to Zac.

Zac sighed "whatever"

"Ok I gotta pack ASAP" Zoe got up. "Love you guys" she pulled up Nate.

"Nice meeting you guys" Nate smiled.

They left "he's cute" I said and Avery nodded.

"Whatever" Zac and Zander said at the same time.
"Ugh we been here for 2 hours" Zoe complained as we sat at the seats to our gate for boarding the plane.

It was 5:00am we have been up since 2:30am. I was sitting next to Zac laying my head on his shoulder as he was dipping in and out of sleep. Zoe and Nate were talking about whatever and Zander and Avery went to get coffee. Our plane would be taking off in a half hour.

Once the plane came Zac sat next to the window, I sat in the middle, and Avery sat next to me while in the aisle next to us it was Zander, Zoe, and Nate who was next to the window.

"How many times have you ever been on a plane before?" Zac asked me.

"Once when I was 7 I went to Disney world in Florida with my parents and when I moved to New York" I said "what about you?"

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