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3 years later

"She's my everything man" Zander said to Zac as Zac fixed Zander's tie.

"I get it man" Zac smiled and patted Zander on the shoulder.

"So do you think you will ask Scarlet soon?" Zander said.

"Of course bro, but today is yours and Avery's day" Zac smiled. "Let's get out there Zan"
"Stop crying Ave" Zoe said handing Avery a tissue.

"Don't worry they are happy tears" I smiled walking over to Avery in an ugly purple long dress.

"Aw you look beautiful" Avery smiled.

"No one looks more beautiful today Ave..they aren't aloud" I laughed.

Avery smiled "he loves me right?"

"More then anything" Zoe cut in.

"Love you guys" Avery smiled.
Zoe walked up the aisle with one of Zander's grooms men. A few couples followed then it was Zac and I. He smiled at me and I gave him a small kiss before we started walking.

"I want this to me me and you one day baby" Zac said to me quietly and I smiled.

We got to our places and everyone stood up. Avery and her dad walked down the aisle. Avery looked amazing in a tight white mermaid dress with many diamonds and a long vail. I felt my self tearing up when Ave's dad gave her to Zander. My best friend was getting married.
3 years later

I was on the bathroom floor crying when Zac ran in "baby!" He kneeled down in front of me. "Baby what happened did you fall! Are you okay? Is the baby ok!" He said putting a hand on my stomach.

"I didn't fall but my chest feels heavy and hurts bad Zac" I said with my hand over my scar from the car accident 7 years ago.

"Come on baby lets go to the doctors." Zac said helping me up. I was 7 months pregnant I didn't want this baby to come so early.

We walked into the living room of my apartment. Avery moved into Zac and Zanders apartment and Zac moved in with me.

"Samantha" Zac said and picked up our 2 year old daughter who we had a year after our wedding. "Your gonna go to aunt Avery and Uncle Zanders house"

"YYYAAAYYY" Sam clapped her hands. She was so pretty she looked just like Zac.

We walked into Avery's apartment. "SAMMMYYYY" Avreys 5 year old daughter Juliana ran over to us. Zac put down Sam and the girls went to play.

We walked into the kitchen stepping over toys "so sorry to do this to you but can you watch Sammy for awhile?" I said to Avery as she held her son Daniel.

"No problem is everything okay?" Avery asked mixing something in a pot.

"Yeah--" I was cut off by Zander walking out of a room holding their other son Ethan. Yes Avery had triplets..TRIPLETS. The girl who always said she wouldn't have kids.

Zander walked up to us and hugged me "hey" I smiled.

"I'm just having chest pains so we're just gonna go to the doctors and check it out" I said to them.

"MOMMA I GOT TO PEE PEE RIGHT NOW" Daniel screamed in Avery's ear "wow ok" Avery laughed "in gonna take him pee, Sammy is fine and you are gonna be fine go" Avery smiled and walked to the bathroom with Danny.

Sammy started crying and Zac walked over to her and picked her up "what's wrong"

"I WANT MY LILLY LION" that was Sammys favorite toy which was a stuffed lion.

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