Chapter 13- work work work work work work

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The next morning I woke up and went into the kitchen. I was quietly walking into the living room trying not to wake up Liam but he did. I looked over at him and he stretched and sat up.

"Hey" I whispered "sorry if I woke you up" I made coffee and sat next to him on the couch.

He smiled and shook his head "you didn't, it's fine" he yawned "your couch just isn't comfortable" he laughed

I smiled "I told you you could sleep on the blow up, what does everyone have against the blow up?" I laughed.

He smiled "so a coffee shop? Not very Scarlet like" he kinda laughed "I could see you as a boss of a major business or a lawyer."

"Well I'm young and I don't want to go to college..I'm taking things slow" I shrugged "maybe I'll find me a sugar daddy" I laughed.

He smiled "it sucks I'm leaving tomorrow already" he said. They could only stay for two days because they all had to drive to Philadelphia on Monday.

"I know I wish I had more time with you I miss you" I said and looked at him. He smiled at me. "I mean you guys" I said quickly.

He laughed "uhuh sure" he smiled and put his arm around me. "I miss you too Scar" I
Smiled and laid my head on his chest. Sure I missed being with him but he's going to UCLA next year it's going to be hard for us if we are in a relationship.

I looked at my phone and I had 30 minutes until I had to leave "I should get ready, go sleep in my room." I said getting up but he pulled me back down and I fell on top of him.

"But I miss you I don't want you to go" he wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled.

"Liam I gotta make money until I find my sugar daddy" I laughed.

He groaned "fine" he let me go.

"Are you gonna sleep in my room?" I asked and he nodded.

I got ready and said by to Liam and he went back to sleep.

Work wasn't busy at all so I was bored. I was sweeping the floor and Zac was behind the counter leaning on it looking at me.

"What?" I asked seeing him starring at me.

He smirked at me "you have a nice ass" he shrugged.

"Creep" I shook my head.

He bit his lip and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kinda smiled and turned around putting the broom down. "I'm trying to clean over here" I said looking up at him.

He shrugged "no customers are here, Mandi isn't here, Copper isn't here" he slid his hand down my side.

"Alyssa is in the bathroom" I raised my eyebrows.

"So, she's been shitting in there for 5 minutes" he smiled and I laughed "shh" I said in my laugh.

He smiled and kissed jawline. "Zac I'm not trying to get fired." I said wanting to push him away but my body didn't want to.

He looked at me "they can't fire me I been working here forever"

"They can fire me I have been working here for 4 months" I smiled and he was starring at my lips. His arms were still around my waist are body's were close together. Then the door opened and a customer came in. I snapped out of the trance he put me in and pushed him away.

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