Another Chance

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Joeys POV:

We took down Tyler mission complete. Garson shows up.

Garson: I need to take you all to the town square so you know what the next step is.

He teleports us to a huge table. We all sit in chairs and begin to listen to the speaker.

Speaker: As you know we went into an all out war. We won which is amazing. We took down the leader thanks to Mr.Joey Graceffa. Joey is the leader of the Super Natural world. 

I was shocked. Gem looks at me with confussion.

Speaker: Now, listen up and listen good. These evil people we be returning to the regular world. There is no chance of them coming getting their powers back because of Tyler. Tyler will not rememeber anything as well. You can't just aviod them. These people are unaware of what happened. Of course, don't remind them either. That is all you may go.

We all go back to our regualar lives. We return home and go into the living room.

Gem: So you are the leader?

Joey: I guess so. Why are you mad?

Gem: Why ddn't you tell me Joey? I thought you had trusted me but I guess I was wrong.

Joey: I didn't know either Gem. Nobody would tell me.

Gem: Whatever.

Joey: What are we going to do?

Gem: What do you mean?

Joey: About all the evil Youtubers never rememebering about their powers again? Having to see Tyler? How is that going to work?

Gem: I don't know you are the leader figure it out Joey.

Gem storms out. I run out.

Joey: What is wrong with you.

Gem: I feel untrusted Joey I just need to cool off.

With that she drives away.

Gems POV:

I drive to Starbucks just to clear my head. The truth of the matter was Sawyer. Sawyer is a guy I really like. I love Joey still it is just Sawyer isn't evil anymore. He hid that major secret from me but Tyler was controlling him. Other then that Sawyer was a great boyfriend. Who do I choose? I love Joey but I feel like I trust Sawyer more. I walk into the little cafe and order a muffin. I am not the coffee type anyway. I sit down and somebody joins me.

Sawyer: Gem, I really need to talk to you.

Gem: What is it?

Sawyer: I have been feeling strange for that past few days. 

Gem: I know the feeling.

Sawyer: Gem, I miss you my life is not complete. I still have feelings for you I can only hope you feel the same. I can't stop thinking about you. You apear in my dreams and every where else. I want you back. I love you more then Joey does. I want to be there. I am trust worthy and very supporting. I usally would let this blow over but you are sticking like glue Gem. I want you back in my life.

Gem: Things are crazy right now. Sawyer I love you a lot I really do. But I love Joey just as much. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He leans over and kisses me.

Sawyer: Gem I am always here. Ready to catch you when you fall. Is Joey? Is he really there? Listen let me know by Monday who you want to choose. I will always be there.

With that he left. He left me speechless I need to talk to Joey this is not going to be a fun conversation.

Joeys POV:

Gem comes home. She seems lost.

Gem: Joey we need to talk.

Joey: About what?

Gem: Joey I don't know what to do. I am at a dead end and I just can't find my way home.

Joey: What are you lost about?

Gem: Love.

Joey: Well you said you loved me. Was that a lie?

Gem: No, I do love you but...

Joey: But what Gem? There should not be a but.

Gem: I love Sawyer too.

Joey: Are you kidding me right now? The enemy!

Gem: He is not an enemy anymore Joey!

Joey: I thought you cared about me.

Gem: I do but do you care about me?

Joey: What does that mean?

Gem: Joey I should have to doubt if you are lying to me or not. 

Joey: That is such a lame accuse!

Gem: Joey I am trying! Trying to love you. I don't know what to do. I need you in my life but same with Sawyer I think I don't know anymore!

Joey: So you have to pick Sawyer or I?

Gem: I guess.

Joey: Let me make it easier on you.

With that Joey storms out of the house.

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