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Gems POV:

Gem: Oh, oh, my god.

X: Hi!

Gem: H,h,hi

The person walks over to me.

X: Hey, I am Brendon Urie.

Gem: Gem, I am Gem it is such an honor to meet you!

Brendon: Thank you really the pleasure is mine. You have an amazing voice.

Gem: Thank you! You do as well. My boyfriend and I are huge fans.

Brendon: Come to think of it I think I saw your cover of Collar Full.

Gem: Really?!?

Brendon: Ya it was good. Listen I over heard you recording that song I really liked it.

Gem: Oh thank you!

Brendon: Are you a professonial singer?

Gem: No, I am just having fun with it.

Brendon: Really, well you are extreamly talented. Ever thought about touring?

Gem: Me? No. I really haven't even thought about it.

Brendon: Do you have an album?, 

Gem: It would be cool to make one though.

Brendon: Well my band and I were talking and if you made an album we would actually like to offer you to tour with us.

Gem: You want me to tour with the Panic! At The Disco?

Brendon: Ya, Fall Out Boy dropped out which if kinda ironic if you think about it.

Gem: True! I would love to but I need to talk to my boyfriend for sure.

Brendon: Well here is my number give me a call if you want to join.

Gem: Thank you!

I take the card and he leaves. I was so excited! I couldn't wait to tell Joey! Would he be mad? Should I tell him? I have to! This is so big. I get in my car and jump right into L.A. traffic. Thankfully I am in a good mood so I am pretty calm.

Joeys POV:

I arrive home. It is nice to be alone and know that Gem will be coming back. I turn on the T.V. and watch American Horror Story. I hear a knock at the door and I get up and answer it. What was he doing here?

Joey: Sawyer? What do you think you are doing here?

Sawyer: I was looking for Gem. She won't answer my calls. I woke up on a borken table against the wall. I don't rememeber anything that happened.

Joey: That is such a lie.

Sawyer: No it is not.

Joey: Then why are you here? What would make you think she would be here?

Sawyer: Well since she was not with me I figured she was with you. 

Joey: Well she isn't here.

Sawyer: Can I come in?

Joey: I don't think so. When Gem does come home she is not going to want to see you. I can promise you that Sawyer.

Sawyer: Why won't she want to see me?

Joey: Sawyer, you slapped her across the face and screamed at her.

Sawyer: Oh my god, please let me stay. I need to make things right. 

Joey: I can't believe I am going to say this but come in.

Sawyer comes in and sits on the couch.

I finally arrive home and I see Sawyers car. This frightens me. What has he done to Joey? I walk in and they are talking on the couch like old friends? Am I missing something? I walk in and grab the first thing I see which is a vase. I am prepared to throw it. He stands up and puts his hands above his head. Joey grabs the vase.

Sawyer: Please calm down. I need to talk to you. Joey would you mind going into the room.

I grab his arm as he tries to walk. I am not being left alone with this pyshco.

Gem: Whatever you have to say to meyou have to say to Joey.

Sawyer: Gem sorry I was drunk.

Gem: Drunk? Oh that makes it all better! Thank you Sawyer for clearing that up! Of course you were drunk! That fact that you had the nerve to do was the most sicking part.

Sawyer: Please forgive me. I know what I have done wrong.

Gem: No! You once again have runined that happiest night of my life. I had a great past couple of hours now I come home to this? I can't keep dealing with the drama. I am not a toy you can fight over. I have a heart and a brain and everything else. I already know who I am going to be with.

Sawyer: Who Joey? You pick Joey over me? Sorry I should have cheated more.

Gem: He never slapped me Sawyer!

Sawyer: He cheated on you twice with the same girl! And who was there for you? Me!

Gem: Please don't be so full of yourself.

Sawyerr: Its true when Gemy crashes you will run into my arms.

Gem: How did you walk threw the door with that big head of yours?

Sawyer; Same way you did sweet heart.

Joey: Alright! That is enough now Sawyer just leave. 

Sawyer: Fine see you at my door step when your relationship ends.

Gem: Don't hit your head on the way out!

Sawyer drives away.

Joey: So how was your night?

Gem: Great! Then I got home to Sawyer the idiot

Joey: Anything happen at the studio?

Gem: You could say that!

Joey: Like What?

Gem: I meet somebody.

Joey: Oh, is he cute?

Gem: What kind of question is that?

Joey: Just kidding who was it?

Gem: The handsome Brendon Urie!

Joey: The lead singer of Panic! At The Disco?

Gem: Yes!

Joey: Thats so awesome!! Did he here you sing!

Gem: Yes! He wants me to make an album.

Joey: Thats so awesome!

Gem: He also wants me to tour with him if the album works out. 

Joey: Really?

Gem: Ya, but I won't go if you don't want me to.

Joey: No! Of course I want you to do it!

Gem: I am sure you could come if you wanted.

Joey: That would be amazing!

Gem: Really?

Joey: Ya! Imagine how awesome my vlogs would be?

I laughed and hugged him. I am glad to have someone on my side.

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