Chapter 5

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We went outside our house after a long time. We went shopping and bought a whole bunch of clothes. We ate plenty of ice creams and everything seemed to go wonderful. The twins took a lot of pictures and Ruby and Eva seemed to be having fun. We met many new people and it was time we went back. Everybody got inside and i was about to go too but somebody called out to me. I turned around to see an old woman from our neighborhood. I called her inside but she didn't come. She called me to her house and so i went inside because she seemed like a nice lady. I send a text message to Eva telling that i was going to meet someone.

"Make your friend believe you before its too late. There is not much time."she said. "You mean Eva?How do you know about this?"i asked. "Stacy, she is targeting her next because she doesn't know what is going on. There is a story behind that house. There is not much time left. You have to be strong. That is want Elizabeth would want."she said. "How do you know my grandmother?"i started feeling suspicious about this woman. "You must go now. I have said way too much. GO."she said. I walked back to my house. There were many questions going on in my head.

 I walked inside my house. There was no one. "Eva? Crystal? Hannah? Ruby? Where are you guys?"i heard somebody sobbing. i walked to that direction. I saw Eva and twins sitting next to each other crying. "What's going on? Where is Ruby?"I asked. "She took her away."said Crystal in a soft voice. "NO. Why didn't you call me?" "We tried but our cell phones are all dead." Hannah said. 

Eva stood up " Stacy, I can't understand anything. What the hell is going on?" "Eva, i tried convincing you about what was going on but you didn't believe me. We should've left at the first place."I said. "We have to find the story behind this house. We have to save Ruby. There is not much time left." "But how will we find the story. It's not like it is going to be written in a book."said Eva sarcastically. that triggered something in my mind. "You are a genius Eva. From generations our family writes their life story. Maybe we could find something in the library." "There is a library in this house?"said the twins together. "Yeah and its huge. Follow me."

Saying that we went to the far side of the house. We reached the library but it was locked. We tried breaking it but it was useless. We sat down. We got tired and that's when Hannah started jumping up and down. "Look" she said pointing to the keys above the door.  "How are we supposed to reach there? Its too high."said Eva panting. "Lets get on each others shoulders so we can reach up there" said Crystal hyped up.

"That could work."i said. I stood above Eva and above me stood Crystal who was carrying Hannah on her shoulder. After a hard 10 minutes we got the key and opened to see a huge a library which was all dusty. "It is impossible to search in this huge library."said Eva. "Lets just give it a shot. It is a golden book with the name Elizabeth Carters written in bold letters on the cover. Now lets go search."

This story is ranked #49 in horror. I am soooooooo happy. Words cannot express how happy i am. This is my first story i have written and makes me over joyed thinking about it.

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