Chapter 33

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I ran to the house as fast as i could and grabbed the lighter and alcohol. I ran past the trees and stopped to see a body lying among the leaves. I immediately understood that it was Edward and ran to him. What i saw next will never leave my mind.

There lied the body of Edward and his head missing. Blood flowed out of  the body and tears started to flow down my eyes. There was a trail of blood and i followed it. 

And there lied Edwards head and a knife pierced through his mouth. I broke down and shouted out loud.

"AGATHA" i screamed on top of my voice.

"You ruined everything and.. I will ruin YOU. I am tired of all this." Saying this i ran to the shack and quickly poured the alcohol on top of the shack and lighted the shack.

I sat down on the ground and watched it burn enjoying it and crying at the same time. I drank some of the alcohol which was left and tried console myself. 

Suddenly the fire vanished away and the shack was normal. The flash of shock struck my face leaving me dumbstruck.

I rubbed my eyes thinking that it was the effect of the alcohol. But it was real. 

I poured the alcohol again and burned it again and again it went away like a candle.

"You think you can destroy me easily??" Agatha's echoed through the forest. "What a fool"

She laughed and it made me more angry.

"I will destroy no matter what" i said running back.

"Let me see you try" she said.

I ran back to the house and went to the yard to find my friends.

The stones were gone and nobody was visible. 

"Stacy" screamed my friends. They ran and gave me a hug. But Hannah was missing.

"Where is Hannah?" i asked.

"She is there" said Crystal pointing towards the corner. "She won't move from there"

I went next to her and pulled her up and dropped her immediately looking at her face. Her face was gone. There was nothing there; no mouth, no eyes and no nose.

She lifted her head to me and i saw a face forming. It wasn't her face, it was Batibat's.

I moved away from her and stood next to my friends.

"Where is my sister?" shouted Crystal.

"Your sister? She is long gone" she laughed "I took her life just before her last breath."

"Bring my sister back" screamed Crystal pulling on her collar.

"I can take you to her" she said. "I can take you to hell" 

She immediately vanished away into thin air.

I sobbed and i couldn't stop. 

"Stacy, we will find her" said Eva trying to console me.

"Edward died" i said bursting into tears. They all stood in shock and burst into tears.

"We have to break the shack" i said through the sobs." That's the only way to defeat them"

"We can't burn. I think we should try to break it down." i said.

We ran and took all the axes and  ran to the shack.

They broke down when they saw Edwards body and so did i. We felt more angry and went to the shack.

We kept trying to break it but it was useless. We were pushed away and the axe fell right next to us. The axe sank into the ground and we sat there not sure what to do. 

Suddenly a force kept pushing us towards the shack and all of a sudden we are in the shack in the middle of a circle. 

And around us stood all of them and in Hannah's body was Batibat. They closed their eyes and held each others hand and started chanting some chants.

"Hannah" screamed Crystal trying to get up. "Stop this. I know you can hear me. You can overcome her. You are much stronger than this"

What Crystal said had effected her. Batibat opened her eyes and her face kept changing. 

"What Crystal said is right Hannah. You can do it" i said and she fell to the ground and all the others stopped chanting. 

Hannah started to puke blood. An idea then struck me.

I should burn the shack now when everybody is in it. I took out my lighter and lit the floor. The floor was Alder and it burned easily. I quickly took out Hannah and motioned the others to exit. 

Smoke filled the room nothing was much visible. We covered our mouths and sneaked out. the smoke didn't get out even though the door was opened and we moved far away from the shack. Ruby ran to the house and took out the kerosene and i put it on the shack. 

"I found this Ouija Board under the kerosene and it had the note 'must burn' on it."

"It might be the one grandma used" i said and tossed it into the fire.

The shack burned more and screams were heard from inside. The house blowed away. We ran to the front and saw the flowers started to grow. And i saw my mom and dad running to me.

"My baby" mom said crying.

"How?" i said stunned.

"We called her" said Alisha standing at the side. "You left your phone in my house and i called your parents since i didn't know what to do."

An ambulance came and took Hannah and the others. 

1 year later

Everything was better but i still had nightmares of the days. We had a funeral for Edward and we had to explain to his family about what had happened to him.

The whole press got to know about it and people would always wait for us outside our house. people investigated the house.

I never visited that house again and that house was marked one of the haunted houses in our city. 

My friends were fine and now we were in my room having a sleepover.

"Stacy" yelled Eva and i ran to her from the bathroom.

"Yeah. What is it?" i asked and sat next to her on the bed.

"Did you bring this picture?" she asked showing the family picture of the Andersons. 

"No" i said my face crunched in confusion. "Why?"

"I found this under your bed" said Eva and the others took a look at it.

We looked under my bed but couldn't see anything. i put my hand under and dragged everything out of there.

We were shocked to see the diary of Jezzebeth, the curse book and Ouija board of my Grandma.

"Didn't we burn this" said Hannah

"Where did all these things come from?" asked Crystal her eyes widening.

All of the sudden the chair flew to the other side and on the wall was a writing saying:


Hey guys. This is officially the end of The Untold Story. Thank you for reading my story and supporting me. Thank you for all the comments and the votes and i don't know how to repay y'all. 

Please Comment,Vote and Share this story with your friends. What do you guys think about the end?? Crazy, right?? 

And do tell me if i should write another story.

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Love you,
Christelle Cheeran

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