Chapter 29

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Stacy's POV

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell. I started walking to the door, limping. I opened the big door. There stood Alisha and Benny with a priest.

"Stacy, what happened to you?" asked Benny rushing to take a look at my wounds. I remained silent.

"Where are the others??" she asked. I told them about how we got separated and how i got wounded.

"I feel a dark entity aura in this house." said the priest looking around. Benny took out the first aid and started cleaning the wounds and bruises.

"He is doctor in New York" said Alisha helping him. The priest went to the kitchen and started examining the whole house.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"For almost a month."

"You both should go" i said to the them.

"Why should we?" asked Benny.

"I don't want to put you guys into danger. You guys seem really nice. Please do leave. I am begging you." i said.

"We will only leave after everything is alright. I also want to know about my grandmother. She, like your grandmother fell from the stairs." said Alisha.

I remained silent. Suddenly the ground started to shake. I held onto the chair.

"Why did you come here?" said a very hoarse sound.

"We want you and your family to stop torturing this house, this town and these children." said the priest.

Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. There came Agatha and when she reached the end she looked at us with a smirk.

"Why should i?" she asked. Then rolling from the stairs was Edward his clothes covered in blood.

"Edward" i yelled and ran towards him. I couldn't move. Edward looked at me.

The priest started saying verses from the Bible. Agatha started walking towards the priest.

"You think i am scared of that??" she asked. The priest had fear in his eyes and then i understood he is not too strong for this.

The priest started to run away from her. I tried moving and i slowly started moving forward.

Benny and Alisha ran towards Edward.

"He has lost a lot of blood." said Benny.

"What can you do?"

The priest started screaming "Help me"

"Agatha" i screamed. She turned to me.

"Leave him alone. You are already torturing us. Don't do this to others too." I said. I could see the the priest run away.

"NO." she shouted. "I will show people how much i suffered. I will each and every one of them."

I took the cross which was on the ground. I showed it to her. She looked at me and started laughing.

"The priest cldn't do it and you think you can?" she said.

"In the name of Jesus, leave us alone" i said.

The ground started to shake again. Then she left.

"Can you please take care of Edward in your place?" i asked. "I know that i am asking a lot. Can you please do it?"

"Its ok darling. Please do tell us if anything is wrong." Said Alisha taking Edward home.

Crystal's POV

My legs started to hurt and Ruby started getting heavier the second. I still went on stamping the leaves. I kept walking straight not knowing if i was going in the right direction.

I could see someone legs from behind a tree.

"Who.. Who's there?" i asked stammering as my throat was dry. Then walked out Eva, her hair loose and her hand carrying a knife. Her hair covered half her face.

"Eva.." i said a bit relieved. "You got lost too? Let's go together."

She looked at me and her whole face was revealed. Half her face was burned.

"Eva, Oh My God!!!!" i screamed and dropped Ruby and started running to her. "What happened to you??" Eva didn't say anything. Ruby slowly woke up and i started towards her.

"What happened to Eva?" she said with shock filled in her eyes.

"I don't know. She didn't say anything." i said turning to her.

"You... chose.... her ...over... me?" Eva told me slowly.

"What??" I asked confused about what she was saying. Ruby looked at me and gave me a confused look.

"I am half burnt but still you went to... her when she woke up. You chose... her over me" she said a bit louder than before. 'You don't care about me they way you care about her"

"Eva, she was hurt really bad so i just went to see if she was alright" i said really confused. "I care about you too."

"I AM BURNT." she screamed at the top of her voice. "YOU still went for HER."

"Eva, what's wrong with you?" said Ruby trying to analyze what was going on.

"Don't you dare speak." yelled Eva pointing the knife at her.

"Eva.. drop the knife." i said slowly.

"No" she said pointing it to me.

"Drop it Eva" said Ruby.

"NOOO" she shouted and the whole forest became dark. Animals started to roar and birds started to fly above us.

"Lets go" said Ruby. She tried standing up but the roots started tying her to the tree.

"Ugh.. I can't move." i took out my knife and tried to cut the roots but it was all in vain.

The birds started to swoop down and tried pecking us.

"I don't need a friend like you anymore." Eva said to me. "Lets end this"

She ran towards me with her knife.

She pushed me to the ground and sat on top of me.

"Die" she said lifting the knife high.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Please tell how this chapter is. And we reached 8k!!!

And guess which cover won?? The first one!! Thank you guys for your opinions.

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