Chapter 8

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You would think that by now, I would be used to my brothers yelling at me. As soon as I walked through the door, I was met with Luke yelling at me. What he was actually saying, I couldn't tell. That was okay though, because Beau was immediately lecturing me in why it was totally unacceptable to be sneaking out of the house and running away. I listened to him for 10 minutes before asking him to drive me to the store.

"Why couldn't you have just gone while you were out?" He had complained. I rolled my eyes. I haven't talked to him in forever and when I actually do, he complains about what I asked him.

"You know what, Beau? Never mind." I guess I would just wait on Taking a multivitamin. I wasn't important enough for him to waste his time on anyway.

I stomped up to my room in anger, but was stopped by my mother in the hallway. Her eyes were sad, like she was debating with herself. Finally, she hugged me.

"What was that for?" I asked, confused.

"I ran into Dr. King a few days ago, and she was just gushing about how much you've grown into a 'fine young man'." She explained, giving me a pointed look.

"Mum, I...." I couldn't find any words to get me out of this one. She smiled at me.

"Although, I'm sad that you're having mental health issues again, I'm happy that you got help on your own this time. It takes a lot of courage to reach out like that. I'm really proud of you, Jai." She gave me another hug and pinched my cheek affectionately. "Just wait until your brothers hear about this!"

"Mum, about that. I don't want them to know yet." I didn't elaborate on the reason why.

"Well, you are an adult now, so it's your decision." She nodded, "But, as your mother, I think you need to let them know about it."

I smiled at her before continuing in to my room. I didn't like the fact that she knew about it, but at least it was her and not Luke or Beau that found out. They would probably just make things worse if they knew.

I suddenly remembered 'Mystery Girl', so I pulled out my phone and sear he'd through my contacts. I came across one that said, Olivia.  I didn't know any Olivia's, so I came to the conclusion that it must be her. I tapped on her name and called her.

"Hello?" Came mystery girl's voice from the other end.

"Hey, it's Jai Brooks." I spoke. I heard shuffling come from the other side, and then a door closing.

"I didn't actually expect you to call me." She stated bluntly.

"Forgive me if I'm a complete bimbo, Olivia." I laughed.

"You at least figured out my name." She stated.

"Yep, do you want to grab some coffee and talk tomorrow morning?" I decided to just go ahead and do whatever it takes to shut her up.

"Yeah, 10:00 sound good? I hate mornings."

"Good for me. I do too."


I was sort of dreading talking to Olivia tomorrow, but it had to be done. No one needed to find out about my problems. If I had to deal with a crazy fan girl to ensure that secret be kept, then so be it.

"So, I see you're talking again." Luke smirked, coming to sit next to me on the couch later that evening. I shrugged my shoulders at him. I had talked way too much today already, I need to just shut up before I pushed my luck too far.

Luke frowned.

"Jai, you need to talk to me. You know I hate it when you do this." Luke reminded me.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Where did you go today?" Be asked, causing me to freeze up.

"I needed some air. It's suffocating just being inside all day, and it's not like we ever record videos anymore."

"I feel like you're hiding something from me." Luke kept on. Sometimes, he was just so stubborn and wouldn't stop when he clearly needed to.

"Luke, I promise you I'm not hiding anything. I just haven't really been myself lately."

"What's wrong with you?" Luke asked worriedly, making me realize that those words probably weren't the best. "Why haven't you been yourself?"

"Nothing's wrong. I've just been thinking a lot. I think I want to get back into art again." I lied. Luke visibly relaxed. Just those words had put his mind at ease bough for me to throw him off.

"That's good to hear, Jai." Luke smiled. I shot him a fake smile back. It shouldn't have been that easy.

"Luke, would it be too much to ask for a hug?" I blurted out. I really needed comfort from my twin right now. I just needed something to show me that he cared. Something to show me that I wasn't alone.

"I am not hugging you, Jai!" Luke laughed. I felt my heart crumble and break in half.

"I was only joking, relax." I lied. I got up to leave for my room.  I glanced back to find Luke had already made himself comfortable on the couch without me there and was now doing something on his phone.

I felt my heart slowly crumble at the sight. My twin just proved to me how pathetic I truly am. I'm not even good enough to earn a hug from him. The worst part was that he had actually laughed at the thought of hugging me.

I absolutely mutilated my wrists that night. I was tempted to go farther, but decided that today wasn't the right time and I hadn't written any notes. Not that anybody would actually read them.

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