Chapter 1

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The boys don't want me to talk anymore? Fine. I'll give them what they want. I'll stop talking if I'm such a nuisance.


I had thought we were all having a good time. Everyone was laughing just like any other day. That was until I put my phone down for a minute and got more involved in the conversation going on around me. I guess that was a big mistake. Luke immediately got irritated with me and Beau and Daniel started to whisper back and forth to one another. I was a little confused, but I just ignored it. I can be kind of ditzy sometimes, so that wasn't something new.

"Jai!" Luke suddenly screamed. "Will you just shut up already. We don't care. No one cares about anything you say. It's all just stupid stuff anyways."

"What?" I asked, surprised at what my twin had yelled at me. I couldn't understand what I had done wrong. I was just talking like usual. It kind of hurt, but a lot of things my twin said to me hurt on a daily basis. I always ignored his harsh words. We were twins, that was almost a guarantee to arguing. However, Luke had never said anything like this to me before. It hurt.

"You heard me." Luke was still angry with me. Beau had even started to give me hurtful looks. Daniel soon joined him. That was weird. They were never supposed to take sides in mine and Luke's fights. It wasn't fair.

"Jai just stop." Beau interjected, stopping me before I could say anything. He really had taken Luke's side. I frowned. How could they do that to me?

"Why are you taking his side?" I raised my voice. Beau immediately became even angrier. Luke saw this and stuck his tongue out while Beau wasn't looking.

"Just shut up, Jai. You're so annoying! I swear. Why don't you leave and annoy someone else for awhile?" While we had had plenty of fights in the past, neither of my brothers had ever told me to leave.

I sat there for a few more minutes, just listening to my brothers and Daniel laugh together like I wasn't even there. I felt a burning sensation behind my eyelids, but I refused to cry. I refused to let myself be that weak.

Fun fact. I used to cry a lot growing up. I was pretty weak and it was disgusting. Luke would comfort me at first, but eventually he got sick of how weak I truly was. He eventually stopped caring about how sensitive I am, and that was the same day I vowed to never cry in front of him ever again.

I silently got up off the couch and walked to the door. No one seemed to actually care that I was about to leave. Daniel glanced at me, but shook his head and tuned back to Beau and Luke. Some friends they are. I pushed open the door and walked out into the cold night air. I didn't have a jacket on, but who really cared if I ended up sick. Not my brothers. That was for sure.

Flashback over

That leads me to where I am now. I don't know if this was the best idea I've had, but what's the point in talking if no one actually wants you to. There's not. I bet they would actually start being nicer to me if I just stopped.

I'm simply a nuisance.

I had made it a few blocks away from my house. I passed an alleyway and couldn't help myself. I walked to the back of it and slid down to sit against the wall. Heaving a shuddering breathe, I slowly let the tears flow out.

I'm not their brother anymore. They lost me the minute they didn't stop me from leaving. I've been told before that I shouldn't  let my brothers walk all over me, but I never believed those people. My brothers would never hurt me if they could help it.

Tonight, those people proved to be right about everything. My brothers had hurt me, and now my heart felt like it had been ripped in half. Better yet, it felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest, leaving an empty cavity in its place. That's what I felt right now. Empty.

It's my own fault though. I should've just stayed silent.

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