Chapter 21

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"Beau, you have to help me!" I begged my older brother. He immediately dropped his phone and have me his undivided attention. Things had been a little rocky at first, but the awkwardness was slowly starting to fade away.

"And what does my dear baby brother need help with?" Beau questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Luke is smothering me!" I groaned before deciding to slightly stretch the truth. "He won't leave me alone for more than 5 minutes, because he thinks I'm going to kill myself and honestly that's only fueling my desire to die..."

"Okay, Jai. Just don't do anything you'll regret. I'll talk to Luke about it." Beau promised hurriedly. I felt slightly bad for manipulating him. Luke and my desire to die didn't go hand in hand. I wanted to die, that was true. Luke suffocating me, however, neither fueled or lessened that desire. It was just hard to cut with him around, and cutting was something I needed in order to live.

To be honest, my anxiety had been acting up a lot more the last few days. It probably had something to do with Luke never leaving me alone. I was really starting to need my space, but he just didn't want to give me that.

As soon as Beau left the room, I slipped outside of the house. I was suffocating. While I'm not as introverted as Luke, I am a little more shy than him. I try to be outgoing, but honestly I'm just bad with people.

I felt like things were never going to return to normal. I had ruined my happiness as well as the happiness of the people closest to me. Luckily, my mum is still on her business trip so I haven't had to deal with her yet.

I made my way to a little lake near our house and sat down on the back next to it. There was something calming about just staring at the water. I wasn't really sure why it calmed me down, it just did.

I was broken from my serenity by my phone ringing. Glancing down at the screen, I was shocked to find the last person I expected calling me.


"What do you want?" I snapped as I answered my phone. This was the girl who had used me and broken me at the same time. Not only that, but she had exposed my darkest secret to all of my fans on Twitter. What could she possibly want now?

"Aww! Jai-Jai, is that any way to talk to someone that has done so much for you? I honestly thought we were friends!" Olivia chuckled. I was screaming internally. I couldn't fall for her tricks this time. She just wanted to get to Luke.

"I owe you nothing. You tweeted a secret that wasn't yours to tell. You even got your mother in on it. You're lucky I'm not taking Luke's advice and suing her." I spoke confidently, but on the inside I was screaming. She had no right to even be calling me.

"Do what you want. Just know that I always get my way in the end. Just play along, Jaidon. Your life is about to be absolutely ruined."

After saying that, the line clicked dead. I shouldn't have even answered my phone. I knew it was her, and I knew she was just trying to get inside my head so she could somehow get to Luke.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I stared down at the water. Life wasn't getting any better and there was a lake literally right in front of me. It would be so easy just to drown myself right here and right now. I doubted anyone would actually miss me. I was only causing my family grief, so maybe I did need to end it.

As I started to take a step into the water, I felt arms wrapping around my waist and pulling back. I didn't try to fight it. I was just so broken a and didn't know what to do anymore.

"What we're you trying to do, Jai?!" Luke screamed in my face as Beau checked me over for any bruises. "Is it really that hard to try to stay alive for one day?!"

"I wasn't thinking." I stated, not wanting to get into another argument with him.

"Of course you weren't!" Luke threw his hands up into the air in frustration. As I waited for Luke to start yelling at me again, Beau decided to speak up.

"Why? Why did you try to do it, Jai?" Beau asked calmly as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Someone called me and I was just so upset after that...I didn't think..." I trailed off, not wanting to say too much in case one of them got angry with me again.

"Who called you?" Luke asked, starting to put everything together in his head.

"I think you already know."

"Well, maybe I want you to tell me for sure."

"Well, maybe I don't want to tell you!"

"Boys!" Beau yelled, interrupting our banter. "I'm confused. Who called you?"

"Olivia, assuming I'm right." Luke smiled smugly at me.

"He's right." I whispered. I wish he wasn't right, but of course he was.

"Wait, Olivia called and you talked to her?!" Beau asked.

"Regrettably, yes. It's not that big of a deal."

"Tell that to the lake!" Luke argued. "What did she say to you?"

"Nothing important. I was just being stupid like usual!"

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